At the June 20 Clearmont City Council meeting, the leaders spoke to possible new water meters.
After some discussion, it was decided to have a special meeting before next month to get more detailed information over the procedure of getting new water meters. The city staff will also be going around and checking on the current meters this summer.
Last month’s minutes and bills were approved. A minor correction was made to the bills.
The city received correspondence from United Electric, who will be going around and spraying for vegetation management around their utility poles. The Nodaway County Treasurer’s Office also sent a letter telling the city that they have unused American Rescue Program Act funds that need to be spent.
Some citizens didn’t receive water bills for the month, and the city will look at fixing the problem.
The council talked about doing street repairs and filling potholes sometime after the 4th of July. It was discussed that the streets in the most disrepair will be done first, and then add as many streets as possible this summer.
More discussion was held on the Welcome to Clearmont sign. The council has yet to hear back on estimated prices, but leaders will make sure to bring some to the next meeting. The council stressed getting the sign done as soon as possible. There was also talk about adding an electronic ticker message board under the sign that could put upcoming city events and information. The city also has one “no parking” sign that will be placed.
No new business was voted on during the meeting.
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