Local ‘Rosie the Riveter’ rides in WWII plane
By Christina Rice Katie “Toots” Sherrow, 95, a local Rosie the Riveter, recently rode in an aluminum overcast B-17 in Topeka, KS. The B-17 was the type of plane she worked on during World War II more than 70 years ago. Sherrow, a Graham native, went to work for Agriculture Adjustment Association, Maryville, after graduating
County schools announce registration dates
Nodaway County schools gear up for the start of a new year with registration dates and open houses. Jefferson C-123 •School starts Thursday, August 18. •Registration is 9 am to 4 pm, Thursday, August 11. •Open house is Wednesday, August 17; elementary is at 6 pm and junior high and high school are at 7
MDIO works to enhance downtown
Maryville Downtown Improvement Organization (MDIO) has its feet on the ground and has taken off running to improve the downtown district. MDIO became a reality in 2015, after talks in 2014 about establishing the entity. It is now part of Missouri Main Street, an organization that helps cities promote older main street and downtown business
1st Christian Church feeds carnival workers
The First Christian Church, Maryville, opened its doors to the late night carnival workers, July 13, and served breakfast to more than 35 individuals who were putting up rides and attractions for the Nodaway County Fair. Preparing the feast were Barbara York, Sandi Mull, Cara Shell, Marcia Jordan, Vicky Dougan, Sue Schenkel and Barb Pierce.
Get back-to-school shots now
It’s important to get children’s back-to-school immunizations as soon as possible, said Tabitha Frank, RN, BSN, Nodaway County Health Center public health nurse. Missouri state law changes have necessitated additional immunizations for children entering eighth and 12th grades for the 2016-17 school year. The two vaccines needed are the Tdap, which covers tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis
Losh Optometry shows dedication to service, Maryville
By Kathryn Rice Ryan K. Losh, OD, doctor of optometry, and his wife, Tracey, enjoy the Maryville community and schools so much that they made the commitment to start their own community business, Losh Optometry, 109 South Buchanan Street, Maryville. Losh practiced in Maryville from 2010 to 2011, after graduating from the University of Missouri-St.
BIG Art launches 2nd show
The Business Indoor Gallery of Art (BIG Art) sponsored by the Maryville Public Art Committee (MPAC) has launched its second art show. Display locations are: Accent Advertising and Signs, 114 East Third Street, has a two-piece painting by Brent Weiland. Accent is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, for viewing. Regional
Skidmore to accept asbestos removal bids
The Skidmore City Council voted to accept bids for asbestos removal from the old city hall at the July 14 meeting. Skidmore citizen Don Richardson, a retired building inspector, was asked to inspect the building and gave a detailed report on the building condition. Aside from the roof, which Richardson said was in good shape,
Nothing screams summer like homemade ice cream
By Jacki Wood Editor’s note: this is the last in a series of articles about summer ideas found on our Pinterest page. July is National Ice Cream Month, but no special designation is needed to know that summer is a perfect time for ice cream. Growing up, from Memorial Day to Independence Day to Labor