This Week's News

Nodaway County receives audit results

The Nodaway County Commissioners received the results for the calendar year 2016 audit, which was performed by McBride, Lock and Associates, LLC, Kansas City. The auditors highlighted four findings from the research. A duplicate payment of $25,096 was issued. The vendor issued the county a statement reflecting a credit balance and the issue was resolved.

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City finalizes real estate deal for new public safety facility

The city of Maryville will be building a new public safety building at the location of First Street and Vine, where the Washington Middle School previously resided. The 1.8 acres were purchased from the Maryville R-II School District for $157,500. Architects from WSK&F Architects, Inc., Kansas City, performed a needs study last year on the

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Swimming pool leaks are located

On October 31 and November 1, ACCO Unlimited, Johnston, IA, excavated 12 feet down to the suspected leak location in the deep-end of the Maryville Aquatic Center finding a significant leak on the inlet piping system below the pool deck. ACCO then isolated this pipe to pressure-test the rest of the inlet system in the

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Northwest’s Madraliers to host annual Yuletide Feaste

Northwest Missouri State University’s Madraliers will host their 44th annual Yuletide Feaste with an elegant royal banquet with performances by Recorder Consort, the Royale Brass Quintet and The Royal Theatrical Players. The Feaste will take place at 6:30 pm, Friday, December 8, and Saturday, December 9, in the JW Jones Student Union Ballroom. “The annual

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Pickering passes flood insurance resolution

The Pickering City Council approved a resolution to allow participation in National Flood Insurance Program during the November 6 meeting. The resolution was read twice and approved unanimously by the aldermen present at the meeting. By passing this resolution, residents will be able to purchase flood insurance if it is not covered in their current

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Northwest to sponsor ‘Take Back the Night’

The Northwest Missouri State University community is invited to take a stand against violence as the university’s Green Dot initiative and Concerned Advocates for Relationship Equality (CARE) sponsor “Take Back the Night.” The event begins at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, November 8, at the JW Jones Student Union Living Room. The program will feature speakers sharing

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Bearcats design computer systems for Mozingo Conference Center

Northwest Missouri State University information systems graduate students have been designing online organizational computer programs for the Mozingo Lake and Recreational Park Conference Center. After students in the IS Captone Course were divided into groups, each group was put in charge of designing one of four projects for the conference center as their final project

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Local veterans attend Honor Flight

By Christina Rice Five Nodaway County veterans attend the Veterans Honor Flight to Washington, DC, on September 26. The flight creates a special day honoring those who have served our country. Local participants were Bob Colville, who served in the Navy, and Army veterans Robert Jobst, Richard Jobst, William Rabel and Roland Tullberg. Each veteran

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Governor Greitens appoints Joyce Estes to state board

Governor Eric Greitens has appointed 30 women to leadership positions on a number of state boards and commissions. Among these appointments was Joyce Estes to the Child Abuse and Neglect Review Board. These appointments follow First Lady Sheena Greitens’ announcement on October 3 that the administration would appoint 25 women in the subsequent 25 days

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