The Pickering City Council approved a resolution to allow participation in National Flood Insurance Program during the November 6 meeting.
The resolution was read twice and approved unanimously by the aldermen present at the meeting. By passing this resolution, residents will be able to purchase flood insurance if it is not covered in their current homeowner’s policy.
The resolution and an application completed by the city will be sent to the FEMA Region VII in Kansas City for final approval.
City Clerk Milt Sovereign stated that he will receive paperwork later this month for residents to complete to run for the two alderman seats which will be open in the April 3, 2018 election. He is urging people to run for the two positions.
Mayor Charles Smith said that he has not heard from Keller Construction Company, St. Joseph about a bid for street repair. With winter setting in, the Pickering city streets will not be repaired until spring 2018. The city has purchased a load of asphalt to patch potholes. Volunteers are needed to assist the mayor and council with the patching, contact Smith for more details.
The city approved $56 to remain part of the Regional Council of Governments.
New light poles have been installed in several places in Pickering by KCP&L contractors.
In the sewer report, Sovereign said that the sludge was tested and the level is low enough that the sewer plant will function correctly through the winter. There were no sewer pump breaks in October at the plant or residentially.
The council approved Sovereign to seek a quote for the city liability insurance.
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