This Week's News

Ploghoft Lecture to feature principal of North Kansas City school

A Northwest Missouri State University graduate, Kate Place, will speak about her experience working in a diverse school setting for the university’s fall Ploghoft Diversity Lecture. The lecture is at 7 pm, Thursday, November 16, in the Charles Johnson Theater. It is free and open to the public. Place grew up in the rural community

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Tickets on sale now for Northwest’s first round playoff game

Tickets for the Northwest Missouri State University football playoff first round game at Ashland University are now on sale. The game on Saturday, November 18, will be played at 11 a.m. CST. Bearcat fans are encouraged to sit on the visiting sideline. All seats on the visiting side are general admission. Tickets can be purchased here.

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Maryville to purchase $371,192 sewer maintenance machine

The Maryville City Council approved the purchase of a $371,192 Vaccon combination sewer machine from Red Municipal and Industrial Equipment Company, Kansas City during the November 13 meeting. The sewer and jetting machine came in under the budgeted amount and would allow a two-man crew to handle most jobs on a daily basis. For the

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Nodaway Township passes road bond

Residents of Nodaway Township passed the ballot issue approving $200,000 in a road bond during the November 7 election. There were 16.64 percent of the registered voters who turned out for the vote. The count had 72 who voted yes and 16 voting no, for a total of 88 votes out of 529 registered voters

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Conception Jct. woman dies in one car accident

A Nodaway County woman died in an accident that occurred during the evening hours of November 5 on Route DD and Route C, eight miles north of Mound City. Franki J. Schubert, 28, Conception Jct., was southbound on Route DD when she failed to stop at a stop sign. Her vehicle crossed Route C, traveling

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Nodaway County receives audit results

The Nodaway County Commissioners received the results for the calendar year 2016 audit, which was performed by McBride, Lock and Associates, LLC, Kansas City. The auditors highlighted four findings from the research. A duplicate payment of $25,096 was issued. The vendor issued the county a statement reflecting a credit balance and the issue was resolved.

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City finalizes real estate deal for new public safety facility

The city of Maryville will be building a new public safety building at the location of First Street and Vine, where the Washington Middle School previously resided. The 1.8 acres were purchased from the Maryville R-II School District for $157,500. Architects from WSK&F Architects, Inc., Kansas City, performed a needs study last year on the

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Swimming pool leaks are located

On October 31 and November 1, ACCO Unlimited, Johnston, IA, excavated 12 feet down to the suspected leak location in the deep-end of the Maryville Aquatic Center finding a significant leak on the inlet piping system below the pool deck. ACCO then isolated this pipe to pressure-test the rest of the inlet system in the

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Northwest’s Madraliers to host annual Yuletide Feaste

Northwest Missouri State University’s Madraliers will host their 44th annual Yuletide Feaste with an elegant royal banquet with performances by Recorder Consort, the Royale Brass Quintet and The Royal Theatrical Players. The Feaste will take place at 6:30 pm, Friday, December 8, and Saturday, December 9, in the JW Jones Student Union Ballroom. “The annual

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