On October 31 and November 1, ACCO Unlimited, Johnston, IA, excavated 12 feet down to the suspected leak location in the deep-end of the Maryville Aquatic Center finding a significant leak on the inlet piping system below the pool deck.

ACCO then isolated this pipe to pressure-test the rest of the inlet system in the deep end walls. What was hoped to be an isolated area showed that the pool actually had multiple leaks on that system.

The inlet piping system is sitting on concrete supports every 18-feet around the deep end pool deck. The piping has settled between the supports causing possible breaks at each of the nine inlet areas.

The cause of this leak could be many things, however the combination of the way the system was installed and the backfill material used surrounding the system most likely created this current situation.

“We are first going to look at all of our options within our budget means,” said Jordyn Swalley, MPR special event and marketing manager. “The problem with a situation such as this, is it comes with a lot of extra financing that we unfortunately are not able to give up front.

“When looking at all of our options we are going to make sure that we do everything in our power to ensure this does not happen again, however with a 25-year old outdoor facility, with original piping and structure, we cannot guarantee it will not reoccur.

  “At this time we are hoping to do much of the work inside the department and then will utilize ACCO as they were the original consultants on this project and have the most knowledge of our pool structure. Once we look further into our options as well as financial, we will present the options made available to us.

“For now the Parks & Recreation Board and staff are working diligently to figure out a solution that ensures that not only the aquatic facility is operational but our entire department as well.”