This Week's News

Government funding cuts to impact senior centers

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) across Missouri and the nation will see many changes over the course of the next few years as they try to accommodate increased budget cuts while serving an expanding population of elderly. Northwest Missouri AAA Executive Director Rebecca Flaherty, Albany, explained how the agency has seen a decline in funding

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Northwest organizes effort to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey

The Northwest Missouri State University community is assisting victims of Hurricane Harvey by collecting donations on the campus and at activities throughout the next week. The “Bearcats for Texas” effort began with the Bearcat football team’s season opener August 31 at Bearcat Stadium, where all fans entering the stadium were invited to make a monetary

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Hopkins sets tax levy rate

On August 22, the Hopkins City Council set the tax levy rate at $1.95 per $100 assessed valuation. This includes 50¢ for the general fund with an additional 20¢ in temporary, 25¢ for the light fund and 25¢ for the street fund with an additional 75¢ as temporary. This gives projected tax revenues of $24,193.72

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Maryville Council hears budget requests

During its regular meeting August 28, the Maryville City Council entertained several requests from various groups in the community asking the city to provide them with funding for the upcoming year. The Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation asked for funds to supplement their budget and Wine Fest fundraisers. They are currently working with 15 clients in

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Locals take supplies to Hurricane Harvey victims over Labor Day

Dustin Strueby, Conception Jct., and other local residents are organizing efforts to haul supplies to those affected by Hurricane Harvey and flooding in Texas over the Labor Day weekend. The crew plans to drive to Houston, TX, in a 24-foot trailer. They will begin packing the trailer on Thursday, August 31 and will leave that

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Skidmore approves budget, tax levy

The Skidmore City Council approved the city budget, held the tax levy hearing and approved the tax rate for 2017 at its August 23 meeting. The tax rates are $1 per $100 assessed valuation for the general fund and $1 per $100 assessed valuation for the road and street fund. Estimated revenue from each is

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Graham Street Fair is the site of high school reunions

Ivalou Curran and Kathy Blanton make plans to view the Graham Street Fair “Discover the Treasures” parade on August 26. The women were back to reunite with their high school class at their 50th reunion. Other reunions included the class of 1992 and 1997. For more information and photos, see the printed Nodaway News Leader.

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Car show proceeds benefit animal shelter

Hailee Beemer, Johnna Beemer and James Beemer donate $625 from the Blood, Sweat and Gears car show, sponsored by Beemer’s Muffler Center and Beemer’s Redline Accessories, to Wendy Combs, New Nodaway Humane Society Animal Shelter director. Not pictured: Dakota Beemer, who organized the event. “We want to thank them for choosing our cause to benefit

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Campbell attends National Boy Scout Jamboree

Local Boy Scout Leader John Campbell attended the National Scout Jamboree held at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve near Glen Jean, WV, in July. For Campbell, who is a program manager, the event is a two and a half week adventure he has been attending since 1997. The Pony Express Council took a

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Health board to rebid lift project

The Nodaway County Health Center board voted to refuse all bids received for the health center’s lift project at the August 23 meeting. With information from the architect, the board had estimated the cost of installing a lift to make the second story of the structure accessible and ADA compliant to be $40,000 to $50,000.

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