On November 24, 2020, the City of Maryville issued the Seventh Emergency Order (EO-7) regarding mitigation efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. EO-7 mirrors the State of Missouri’s Public Health Warning and Local Government Advisory issued November 19, 2020 and includes action steps based on local public health data. Mitigation categories are tied to the PCR 7-day positivity rate and 7-day case rate per 100k for Nodaway County. Since Monday, January 25, 2021 data has placed Nodaway County in Category 2 – Critical Risk. The City of Maryville will move down in risk category following two (2) consecutive weeks of meeting the lower category’s criteria.
The positivity rate and case rate data for Nodaway County have now met the requirement to move to the lower category, Category 3 – Serious Risk. All Category 3 – Serious Risk regulations outlined in EO-7 are effective immediately. This category removes occupancy restrictions for retail sales, gyms/recreation centers, and capacity limitations for social gatherings. All social gatherings must continue to maintain six (6) feet of space between individuals. The requirement for face coverings in public remains through April 30, 2021. Please continue to remain diligent in your efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.
C. Category 3 City Action Plan: Serious Risk
(1) Criteria:
• PCR 7-day positivity rate: 5-9% (using CDC method), and
• 7-day case rate per 100k: 10-99
(2) Business occupancy: No limits.
(3) Social group size: All social gatherings in the City of Maryville shall abide by social distancing requirements, including maintaining six feet (6’) of space between individuals. This provision shall apply in all situations, including, but not limited to, when persons are standing in line or individuals are using shared indoor and outdoor spaces.
(4) Face coverings: In accordance with Ordinance No. 8288, all persons five
(5) years old or older who are present in the City of Maryville shall wear a face covering when inside public facilities or businesses that are open to the public, public transportation vehicles, and outside when social distancing of at least six
(6) feet cannot be maintained. All other sections of Ordinance No. 8288 remain in place.
2. The City of Maryville will move down in risk category following two (2) consecutive weeks of meeting the lower category’s criteria. The positivity rate and case rate data for Nodaway County will be provided by http://showmestrong.mo.gov/public-health-county.
3. Every person in the City of Maryville shall continue to practice good hygiene, more specifically washing hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces, avoid touching your face, sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow, disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible, and strongly consider using face coverings while in public, do not go to work or school if you feel ill, and contact and follow the advice of your medical provider.
4. Every employer in the City of Maryville shall develop and implement appropriate policies, in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations and guidance, and informed by industry best practices, regarding social distancing and protective equipment, temperature checks, testing, isolating, and contact tracing, sanitation, use and disinfection of common and high-
traffic areas, and minimize business travel. Employers shall monitor workforce for indicative symptoms and not allow symptomatic people to physically return to work until cleared by a medical provider. Employers shall develop and implement policies and procedures for workforce contact tracing following employee COVID positive test, specifically individuals
performing job duties that require contact with other people closer than six (6) feet.
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