The Burlington Jct. City Council heard the following maintenance, sewer and wastewater report from Alliance Local Manager Dennis Chitwood during its regular meeting December 11:
There was a two-inch waterline break at MFA due to a truck running over the valve box. Johanson Construction repaired the damage. A new isolation valve, meter pit and two-inch setter were installed.
All the wastewater and sewer samples came back within acceptable limits. Results showed coliform were absent.
The city’s pickup needed a break cylinder replaced. It also has a substantial oil leak. The snow blade for the truck has a bad solenoid, and replacement parts can not be found because the manufacturing company is no longer in business.
The heaters in the water treatment plant were not working properly. The motor was bad on one unit and the second unit needed a new transformer and contractor.
Currently, Alliance staff is working with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources on a pilot study program that replaces the granular activated carbon with green sand and anthracite.
The city parks and facilities have been winterized.
The maintenance November safety meeting was on chlorine and ladder safety.
Staff read 223 meters out of 255 with two rereads for the month.
The net unaccounted gallons of water drastically decreased from 10 percent in October to only one percent in November.
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