At the July 12 Burlington Jct. City Council meeting, the 2021/22 FY expense budget was presented and approved. The city had an actual budget of $439,100, and an actual expense of $346,548.86 with a difference of $92,551.14.

Jon Shellhorn with the Lamp Rynearson firm was present to further update the council on the progress of the wastewater lagoon facility improvements. The land surveying is 90 percent complete. Shellhorn talked about liquid and tablet chlorine options, mentioning how they typically go with liquid as it is the cheaper and easier to get option.

Kim Mildward with the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments was present as well to discuss grant options. The city council approved the CDBG grant that will cover 50 percent of the cost, and have just submitted a new wastewater ARPA grant proposal.

The council discussed minor storm drainage maintenance projects, and will continue to discuss the proposed projects at future meetings.

Signs for the truck ordinance are ready to be placed, as the council made the final official version of the ordinance.

City Clerk Melissa Cook presented the financial report which was approved. The city was up $6,000 last month, and $14,400 was saved for the future bond payment.

The water disconnection fee of $60 and re-connection fee of $100 were approved.

Monthly water samples were taken out of the water treatment facility. Everything is running well. The park and areas around town were mowed, and new parking lines were painted. The skid-steer broke down, and the council discussed a potential special meeting in the future to look at getting a new one.

The council then voted to go into closed session to discuss personnel.