By Nate Blackford, Mosaic Medical Center president
On Saturday, I joined more than 250 Northwest students and community members to stand with those impacted by racism and acknowledged the need for change in our society, both locally and nationally. I am proud of our community as we work together to understand and address years of oppression and social injustice.
At Mosaic, we are committed to diversity and inclusion and the need to continue to learn and grow. We strive to be an organization that understands, accepts and embraces diversity throughout our system.
Last Friday marked the fourth annual Hospitals Against Violence initiative by the American Hospital Association (AHA) which says:
“Raising our voices to speak out against injustice and stand up for our neighbors and communities is an essential part of our democracy … As places of healing, hospitals have an important role to play in the wellbeing of their communities. As we’ve seen in the pandemic, communities of color have been disproportionately affected, both in infection rates and economic impact.”
At Mosaic Medical Center – Maryville, life care is a key part of our vision for the future. It is necessary for us to lead and help ensure the health and wellbeing of those we serve. We must embrace a culture of justice, diversity and inclusion through an attitude of service and servant leadership.
As a healthcare organization, we do sacred and important work. We are always looking to improve. By embracing our differences, we all become the best versions of ourselves. We know love and compassion always win. That is our aim.
Another thing I confirmed on Saturday is wearing a mask when it’s over 90 degrees and humidity is high is not fun, but important. Some of those who joined the event on Saturday wore masks and worked to maintain social distancing. For that, I thank you.
Mosaic entered the fight against COVID-19 in late February. We have seen our organization, our communities and our world transform. We implemented new changes in response to keep our caregivers and patients safe. The work done by those on the front lines, and in support of these efforts, has been nothing short of extraordinary.
We are proud to report that infection rates in Nodaway County remain low compared to others. Extra precautions are in place to protect patients. Screenings at our entry points, wearing masks and physical distancing are enforced throughout our facilities.
While we know there is still uncertainty about the prevalence and duration of this virus, my message to the region is that Mosaic Medical Center – Maryville is a safe place to receive care. Please don’t delay the care you need. If you are not comfortable leaving your home, virtual visits are an option. Your trust in our organization is appreciated. We look forward to serving you and your family’s needs, both now and into the future.
In Missouri, COVID-19 has taken different paths in different locations. Initially, cases generally were centered in metropolitan areas. Since then, nearly all counties in Missouri have seen positive cases. In fact, two “warm-spot” counties include those served by our facilities in Albany and St. Joseph.
Our community still has a way to go. We have been seeing mixed adherence to social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines. Fatigue has undoubtedly set in and some have yielded to the natural impulse to relax. Please don’t let down your guard. COVID-19 remains a real population health threat to our communities, especially to those with increased risk factors.
With all that is going on, this is a burdensome time for all of us. My prayer is for hope and healing. May we reflect on the issues of human suffering and on what divides us. May we engage in the hard and necessary work to make fundamental changes. May we create and apply real solutions to make a true difference. May our efforts help to heal and provide hope.
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