Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners, Walker and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Stiens made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Stiens made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 4/21/2020 with typo corrections. The motion passed.
The following were approved: requisitions, road and bridge to Bryan’s Auto for equipment; to The Railroad Yard for a tank car; to Grays Oil for diesel; sheriff to Hy-Vee, Graves Food and Falls City Mercantile for inmate food and supplies for May; accounts payable, checks #76096-76115.
The Commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: emails regarding COVID-19 from FEMA, Nodaway County Health and emergency manager; Region H conference call notes; news release from Natural Resources Conservation Services.
Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, discussed the progress of various county projects. Walker brought the contract renewal for Cintas in for the commission to review. Burns made a motion to accept the contract as presented. The contract was signed. Per request from Jerri Dearmont, NWMO Regional Council of Governments, documentation from the 2019 rock bids was sent for CDBG purposes.
The commission discussed an insurance claim and check received from MOPERM for hail damage to a 2017 Ford Explorer in the Sheriff’s fleet. A call was put in to Kizer Collision, who had the low estimate, asking him to proceed with the repairs.
A call was taken from Reverend John Clayton, Clearmont Baptist Church, requesting a letter from the commission regarding social distancing for COVID-19. A letter was drafted, approved and emailed to Clayton. An email was received from Tom Patterson, Nodaway County Health Administrator, regarding a press Release for COVID-19 testing in Nodaway County.
At 9 am, Burns made a motion to go into closed session pursuant to Sunshine Law 610.021 (3) for personnel. Stiens seconded the motion. All were in favor. The commission voted out of that closed session at 9:15 with a motion made by Stiens and seconded by Burns. All were in favor.
At 9:28 am, Burns made a motion to go into closed session pursuant to Sunshine Law 610.021 (3) for personnel. Stiens seconded the motion. All were in favor. The commission voted out of that closed session at 9:45 with a motion made by Burns and seconded by Stiens. All were in favor.
Trustee of Independence Township Philip Auffert, called and asked the commission to meet him at Road #198 to discuss the reconstruction process.
The commission discussed the facility support technician open position with Human Resources Director Tammy Carter. Interviews had been completed earlier in the day. The position was offered to and accepted by Jessica Whaley.
Burns made a motion to commission adjourn for lunch. The motion passed.
At 1:25, the commission left for an inspection of a Roads #894 and #902 in Hughes Township.
A resident of Polk Township called in regarding a culvert near their home. She was referred to Mark Wilson, Polk Township road Supervisor.
Stiens made a motion to commission adjourn until 4/28/2020. The motion passed.
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