During their regular meeting April 10, members of the Maryville City Council reappointed Jason McDowell as Maryville’s mayor and Rachael Martin as the mayor pro-tem.
Martin and Lipiec were elected as council members during the April 4 election.
Also approved by voters in the April election was the 20-year extension of the one-half of one percent sales tax for capital improvements which will sunset in 2038.
Keller Construction, St. Joseph, was awarded $319,273 to complete asphalt mill and overlay on the following streets: North Main blocks 400 to 600; South Alco from First Street to West Edwards; South Davis blocks 100 to 400; East South Hills Drive from Younger’s Auction to east city limits; East Edwards blocks 100 to 700; South Saunders from Torrance to East South Avenue; Carefree Drive; Galaxy Drive and South Grand. However, because this was over the $300,000 that was budgeted, South Grand was removed from the project list bringing the total down to $293,071.50.
Dennis and Jennifer Nelson were approved to build an eight-plex on a lot that currently has a six-plex at 536 West Fifth Street. The addition would add a one-bedroom eight-plex to be built with an additional 12 parking spaces.
A special use permit was granted to the Baptist Student Union, 401 West Fourth Street, to build a 30-foot by 30-foot addition that would house a religious meeting space and two offices. The addition will decrease the union’s off-street parking by three spaces and will leave 18 feet of rear yard instead of the mandatory 25.
There will be a public hearing at 7 pm, Monday, April 24 to discuss the annexation of the approximately 20 acres on South Hester and East South Avenue owned by Randy Holtman and Susie Holtman into Maryville city limits.
Dannen Merrill, Joseph Lau and Donald Porter requested a liquor license which was approved for MOGA Entertainment, LLC, doing business as The Outback Bar, 424 North Buchanan.
A public hearing will be scheduled to discuss the closure of the alley between The Student Body and the City of Maryville’s parking lot. The closure would allow for the expansion of a restaurant connected to The Student Body as well as provide a pedestrian walkway from the parking lot to the restaurant. The alley would remain open behind The Palms as well as the east/west alley segment.
A kids block party was approved beginning at 5:30 pm, Thursday, May 18th. The event, hosted by the Maryville Chamber of Commerce, will have children’s activities and entertainment.
A 5K run held in memory of April Lawyer, a former teacher at Maryville High School, to be hosted by the Maryville High School FACT Club, was approved to occur from 7:30 to 9 am, September 30.
City Manager Greg McDanel stated the following in his report:
• Proposals for operations of the restaurant inside the Mozingo Conference Center are due by 10 am, June 12.
• Schneider Electric has begun the water meter replacement project. So far, they have replaced 193.
• Maryville is requesting proposals for the 2017 sewer main line improvement project. The pre-bid meeting is at 9 am, April 18. Bids will be accepted until 11 am, May 2.
•The EAA flying club is hosting a Young Eagles event at the Northwest Missouri Regional Airport on April 15. They will be giving free flights to children ages 8-17 from the Burlington Jct. Mennonite School as well as the families of Maryville Public Safety and the Nodaway County Sheriff’s Department.
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