Nodaway County property owners, for the most part, will see slight increases in their tax levy payment from last year.

Tax statements were sent to taxpayers early in November and are required to be paid by December 31, 2024.

The highest rate is in Grant Township at $10 per $100 assessed valuation, which is a 29¢ higher from last year. The taxing entities and rates for taxpayers in the Grant Township are: state, 3¢; Senate Bill 40, 4.97¢; health center, 4.95¢; senior citizens fund, 4.97¢; township, 4.42¢; Barnard Fire District, $1.97; South Nodaway R-I, $5.995; Grant Road and Bridge, $1.196; City of Barnard, $2.2378 and Nodaway County, 15¢.

Out of the 83 tax entities in Nodaway County, 48 saw increases, 29 had decreases and six stayed the same. Again this year, the lowest tax levy is located in Polk Township with a rate of $5.25. The townships that saw decreases in all of their levies for the taxpayers were Atchison, Jackson, Lincoln, Monroe and Nodaway. Grant, Green, Polk, Union and White Cloud had increases in every taxing entity.

Tax school levies for the county are Jefferson C-123, $6.316; South Nodaway R-IV, $5.995; Northeast Nodaway R-V, $5.767; West Nodaway R-I, $5.246; Maryville R-II, $5.047; North Nodaway R-VI, $4.651 and Nodaway-Holt R-VII, $4.2698. Most of the changes were small increments.

Commercial properties will face an additional $1.14 surtax again this year.

Tax statements are to be mailed early in November and taxes should be paid by December 31.