The Great Northwest Day at the Capitol (GNW) allows constituents of the 19-county Northwest Missouri region a more direct and effective voice in Jefferson City.

The GNW steering committee is comprised of community leaders throughout the region. County coordinators are selected to represent each county and are appointed with the task of reaching out to their community leaders to gather legislative priorities they feel have a regional impact.

The GNW priorities committee takes that information to select the top four or five priorities that will be the focus during the Great Northwest Day at the Capitol two-day event.

Now in its 21st year, this year’s GNW event will be held February 6 and 7, 2024, at the Capitol Plaza in Jefferson City. The event itinerary includes introductions of the delegation on the House and Senate Floors, breakfast with a keynote speaker, and regional roundtable sessions. New this year, before the Great Northwest Celebration on Tuesday evening will be a Northwest Missouri Reception.