The Northeast Nodaway R-V School Board met on February 15 to hire an assistant principal and conduct the following business:
Bryan Grow was hired as the assistant principal beginning next school year. He will be replacing Jason McDowell as McDowell will be the new head principal.
The board approved raising the teacher base salary by $1,000.
The CTA will be offering two $250 scholarships for high school seniors this spring.
The PTO plans to purchase classroom iPads and chrome books with the money it will raise at its rummage sale.
Ryan Stanley presented a program evaluation for his business class and the FBLA organization. He rated it as average and pointed out areas he plans to focus on improving next year, including better organization and understanding of the FBLA competitions.
Principal Ken Grove reported there were 31 adults that attended the Valentine dinner. He said he hopes the numbers will increase for the next dinner which will be around Easter.
Overall, there were a high number of students that did not perform well on the December finals. While conducting personal interviews with the students, administrators were told the students didn’t study or didn’t think the tests would be difficult. Teachers had given study guides and offered extra tutoring sessions, which students did not utilize.
This was the first time that semester finals had been taken at the school. Staff hopes that spring finals will improve now that students and staff know what to expect.
Grove initiated the finals, stating he believed it helped prepare students for finals in college and comprehensive tests found in career job trainings. The program will be evaluated after more data has been collected.
Ag instructor Philip Doty had six adults attend the ag literacy night about ag leases. He plans to hold another ag night about beef nutrition in the future.
Administrators will begin interviews to fill the fifth-grade open position this week.
Superintendent Jeff Mehlenbacher has been contacting the state conservation department to ask if the outdoor track facility would qualify for any grants if the school included an outdoor classroom facility.
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