The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on October 19 to discuss following business:
The board approved the NN senior class trip to Branson. Sixteen of the 18 seniors are planning a four-day trip on May 6-9, 2017. The trip is estimated to cost $9,670.20. The class has raised $8,000 and is planning a Red Wheel fundraiser from November 1-15 to raise $2,000 more.
A 10-passenger van will be purchased from Tri-State Auto Center, Maryville, for $25,000.
The board adopted policies on bullying, hazing and student discipline.
Ashley Yount, elementary principal, said parents feel the elementary students do not have enough field trips. There have been three field trips recently for kindergarten, first, second, fifth and fourth grades. PTO was able to sponsor part of the trips.
Tim Conn, high school principal, has suspended the junior class opt-out policy appeal process. He became concerned because the appeal was made to the same individuals who made the original decision. Conn will bring policy changes before the board at the November meeting.
James Simmelink, superintendent, is planning to meet with bus drivers about route efficiency and the new bus. He said he wants to keep the students’ rides as short as possible.
Board members discussed the Hopkins City Park ball field improvements being made by Hopkins Community Betterment. The district cannot make a monetary donation to the project, but can purchase material. Several board members said a fence would be of more use to the school than a walking trail. The board would like to see the fence installed by spring so that it can be utilized for baseball season.
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