Hopkins City Council approved the web domain hopkinsmogov.com at its August 1 meeting.
The website is up and Dee O’Riley, city clerk, will continue to update the site, which is run through the Missouri Rural Water Association. The domain name was acquired through godaddy.com and will cost the city $14.99 per year.
Two residences with water leaks had a sewer fee waived. The amounts, of $53.11 at 206 South 10th Street and $79.95 at 603 East McPherson, were forgiven.
Council members reviewed delinquent property tax accounts. O’Riley had previously discussed with Bob Sundell, city attorney, an ordinance addressing delinquent accounts. Only past due sewer fees can be attached property taxes. Sundell will have the completed ordinance for review at the 7 pm, September 5, council meeting.
The city will hold a tax levy public hearing at 7 pm, Monday, August 15.
Jack Baldwin, chief street and sewer operator, reported that street repairs should begin mid-August. Mid-America Road Builders, Platte City, has not moved the needed materials into the city.
The council allowed John Ogle, owner of AJ’s Restaurant and Lounge, to put a railing on the sidewalk steps in front of his business.
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