All KCP&L customers in Skidmore, Maitland, Graham and Quitman lost power due to the July 7 storm.
Several other towns in the county had areas where power was lost including portions of Maryville. The county’s emergency management team brought the Red Cross supply trailer to Skidmore. It was set up in front of Newton Hall.
“We chose to bring the trailer to Skidmore because the entire town had lost power,” said Christy Forney, Nodaway County’s emergency management director. “The other towns had power loss, but hopefully they have a neighbor or a friend in town with power that they can visit.”
The team hooked up a generator to Newton Hall to provide a cooling center where people could rest inside an air-conditioned building. They had 100 cots and bedding available for individuals who wanted to sleep in air-conditioning. They provided hot coffee, donuts, fruit, bottled water and lunch.
“People haven’t had power, the food in their fridge isn’t any good and they can’t cook,” said Forney.
The cooling center was closed late afternoon July 8 as electricity returned to the town. There were still 40 homes county-wide without power.
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