At the March 20 Mozingo Advisory Board meeting, the board considered and discussed potentially building a welcome center at the park.

Mozingo staff was contacted by Northwest Technical School Director Jeremy Ingraham to determine if Mozingo Lake Recreation Park needs any projects built or worked on. Staff looked at the master plan and saw that a welcome center was high on the list of priority. A potential welcome center would have a merchandise area and offices. According to Assistant City Manager Ryan Heiland, it would help with customer service and would be located next to the information booth. Heiland also estimates that it would cost somewhere between $300,000 to $350,000. The board all thought it would be great idea, and should be revisited in the future with designs and final costs presented.

Heiland gave the board some information on the upcoming Prop M ballot question regarding a three percent sales tax for marijuana sales. The city is estimating that if passed, the proposition will generate $150,000 per year to be put into the general fund, and used for law enforcement, fire service and street maintenance.

The board discussed cutting down the amount of meetings during the year. Instead of meeting monthly all year round, it was decided that it would be best to only meet monthly during peak season and budget months from March to August, and only meet the rest of the year as needed and handle any correspondence and updates through email.

Mozingo Lake Recreation Park Director Jordyn Greenhaw gave her report to the board. Maintenance has tackled some tree trimming around the park, which has improved the overall look of the area, that has also accumulated some firewood. Staff has discussed putting in a retaining wall with the RV expansion to handle some runoff from a slope in the area. United Electric will start work soon with the expansion.