Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s Office. In attendance: Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners; Walker and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Stiens made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Stiens made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 4/30/2020. The motion passed .

The following were approved: clerks fee report for April 2020, recorder fee report for April 2020).

Accounts Payable: Checks #76127-76160

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: emails regarding COVID-19 from FEMA, Nodaway County Health and emergency manager, Monroe Township financial statemen, White Cloud Township financial statement.

Sheriff Randy Strong spoke with the commission regarding a training he is looking into.

Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, discussed the progress of various county projects. Discussed a tube in Independence Township that is tearing up due to heavier trucks.

Alice Schieffer, NWMO Regional Council of Governments, had and request for funds proposal on a CDBG grant for the commission to sign off on.

Marilyn Jenkins, treasurer/collector, presented a press release for the commission to review. Spoke to Amy Dowis, NWMO Regional Council of Governments, regarding information she learned from speaking with the state deputy treasurer. A call was made to county attorney, Ivan Schraeder, to discuss the publications, contract, county policy relating to these funds. The county intends to work on the policy and has asked Schraeder to work on a contract for Nodaway County.

Tom Patterson, administrator and Tabitha Frank, nursing supervisor, both of Nodaway County Health, presented COVID -19 updates for the United States, State of Missouri and Nodaway County. An update on surrounding counties situations. Most counties are following the governor’s recommendations with a few making more stringent orders for their counties. Cases overall seem to be trending downward.

The county has opened the doors back up to the Administration Center to the public as of today. The Courthouse and jail will continue to be locked down to walk-in public until further notice.

A call from Rev. Steven Wainwright, Hopkins Christian Church, to discuss the state guidelines from the governor and how it applies to churches.

The commission took a call from a property manager with questions on the law and disconnecting a tenant during the COVID-19 crisis. They were referred to Brock Pfost who owns rural water rights.

Judge Roger Prokes discussed courtrooms using a phased opening approach. Prokes is making plans to move from their current Phase 0 status to a Phase 1. Prokes will be in touch next week with updates. Prokes discussed the need for the courtrooms to have someone do more intense cleaning after they are back open.

The commission spoke with Andy Macias, Snyder and Associates, regarding softmatch and FEMA projects.

The commission met with Larry Schmitz, Steven Germann, Kelly Morrison and Jordan Morrison, Grant Township, to discuss rock issues for Road #717-718.

Ryan Choquette, Tenaska – Clear Creek Wind project, stopped in to give the commission an update on roads and the wind project.

Burns made a motion to commission adjourn for lunch. The motion passed.

A resident of Lincoln Township called regarding rock on Road #328 where a tube was replaced. The resident stated that there was an agreement with the county and his family that the county would maintain the gravel for a short distance

The commission took a call from a West Nodaway Fire Protection District volunteer inquiring about the need for a permit to do a fundraiser in town. No permit is required by the county, however he was referred to the City of Maryville.

Burns made a motion to commission adjourn until 5/7/2020.

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