Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 5/12/2022 with additions. The motion passed.
Approved: Caterer liquor license for Backyard Vine & Wine, LLC for May 21, 2022 and June 18, 2022; invoice to Emery Sapp & Sons for BRO-B074(62) work.
Requisitions: Sheriff to Kelly Tires & Exhaust for tires; to Hy-Vee and Falls City Mercantile for inmate meals and supplies for June 2022; road and bridge to Gray Oil for fuel.
Public comment: None.
Accounts payable: Checks #080469-080494.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: MoDOT email re: closure of Route E & NN this week, Email from MOPERM re: 2017 Ford Explorer that the adjuster looked at Household Hazardous Waste dates for the next grant cycle; Certificate of insurance – Missouri Association of Counties; April expense reports for Consolidated 911; precinct inspection report; investment report and inmate report.
A Midwest Data managed IT services agreement for an update to the county’s website was reviewed and electronically signed.
Reviewed and signed LPA Invoice #9 packet from Emery Sapp for construction which includes Pay App 4-final and change order No. 1. Also reviewed and signed LPA Services Invoice #10 including Snyder & Associates Invoices No. 6-8.
The commission reviewed an email from Caleb Phillips, prosecuting attorney, regarding intern compensation.
Walker reported that Arnold Plumbing had fixed a stool at the Courthouse. A call was put in to J & L Air Conditioning and Heating to have them inspect and clean the air conditioning lines at the courthouse. A call was put in to Aaron Morris with IHP to discuss a quote for parts on the boiler that he sent in February. The quote includes removing and replacing five leaking boiler sections and hydrotest and verify proper operation with a not to exceed $16,084. The commission asked for a price on a new boiler for a comparison before proceeding. Jeff Sybert of J&S Cleaning Services was called to discuss a quote for floors at the Administration Center. Sybert will call back with a date to meet with the commission. A call was also taken from the City of Maryville water department regarding a high usage warning for the jail. Sheriff Randy Strong was called to look into this.
The commission called Mike Noe with Grand River Mutual (GRM) to discuss drafting an agreement for a fiber line in Independence Township.
The commission reviewed documents on the lease agreement and addendums for the property that the Nodaway Nursing Home sits on. Copies of the documents were provided to David Baird to review and advise.
Human Resource Director Tammy Carter discussed the changes the commission would like to make to the road and bridge open position advertisement. Carter made changes, commission approved and the advertisement will be run for two weeks.
Calls were put in to Jim Knox at Norris Quarries and Nick Jameson at Schildberg Construction to discuss the CART Rock that is being delivered to the townships. Knox stated that they will move at the Ravenwood Quarry and the Barnard Quarry will be back up running by the end of the week. Mark Wilson, Polk Township road supervisor, also stopped in to discuss the conditions of the rock. A call was put into the Ravenwood Quarry for a price quote on fines.
Sheriff Randy Strong stopped in to discuss the totaled out 2017 Ford Explorer and replacement options. When the totaled vehicle is stripped down, a call will be put into MOPERM to come pick up. The Commission asked for time to discuss replacement options.
The commission discussed a tube in Washington Township that has some issues where it has started to wash out on Road #943 in Grant Township.
An inspection was made of a tube on Road #943 Grant Township and a tube on Road #1033 in Washington Township.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Philip Auffert, trustee of Independence Township, was called to discuss the CART Rock and the process the commission is in with the fiber line for Grand River Mutual.
The commission inspected Roads #405, #408, #461, #462 and #463 all in Jackson Township.
A photo op was set up for Thursday, May 19 at the library for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that were earmarked for the Maryville Public Library.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 5/19/2022.
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