The improvements to continuing the Maryville South Depot Street south of the East Halsey intersection began hitting the Maryville city budget in 2011. Fourteen years ago, the project to straighten the South Depot-East Halsey intersection was scheduled at $500,000. It was nixed during the year for other more “pressing” projects. This maneuver has happened multiple times. In finalizing the 2024-25 budget, the city leaders met with Polk Township, Nodaway County leaders September 26. Commissioners Chris Burns, Bill Walker, Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor; Commissioner Scott Walk, Maryville Public Works Director Matt Smith and City Manager Greg McDanel talk about the necessary steps and the timeline to complete the project in 2025. Not pictured, Mark Wilson, Polk Township road supervisor, agreed to do the earth moving to save the overall project that cost. Engle offered to aid Wilson with the grading this fall. The utilities will need to be moved so the city will notify Dig Rite.