At the May 28 Maryville City Council meeting, a contract with Quality Drywall, Maryville, was approved for drywall materials and installation for the Mozingo Lake Visitor’s Center. The total proposed contract is $99,954, and the total for the entire construction of the visitor’s center is $574,600. The city is exploring an Missouri Department of Economic Grant of $331,000 to be used for the project’s cost.

Marilyn Rhea, Paula Cobb and Andrew DeCurtis were reappointed to the Maryville Public Library Board of Trustees for a three year term. Also approved was a request to hold a neighborhood block party on South Saunders Street from Joey Wagner. The party will be from 8 am to 4 pm, June 29, and South Saunders from East South Avenue will be closed.

A special use permit request for a property located at 625 West Cooper Street was denied by the council unanimously. The permit was for a short-term rental, but they are not permitted by right in an R-2 single-family residence zone. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted against the permit by a 3-1 vote on May 21.

A rezoning application by property owners Chad and Katrina Meyer at 1120 West First Street was accepted. This will rezone from an R-1 to R-2 residence zone. The owners have plans for construction of a new barn-like accessory rental. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the request at their meeting.

An ordinance to execute a contract with UV Sales for the purchase of ultraviolet bulbs and associated hardware for the Maryville Wastewater Treatment Plant was approved. UV bulbs are integral in the treatment and disinfection process. The total cost will be $19,270 for 96 bulbs and 10 quartz sleeves.

An agreement with Communications Venture Corporation, Fort Wayne, IN, was authorized for text aggregation services for the VESTA workstations in the Northwest Regional Communications Center. The city was awarded a grant, and the total cost of the agreement will be $10,306.36 with a $1,030.64 local match.

An agreement with the US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration for the Maryville Workforce Strategies Planning grant was approved. Two specialized studies will be done on labor retention and childcare, and the total cost will be $88,200 with the grant covering $52,920 of that. The NCED, MIDC and Nodaway County have all pledged $10,000 towards the cost as well, leaving the city paying $5,280.

The council also accepted an agreement with SCS Engineers, Overland Park, KS, for professional environmental services for the 602 South Main Street Brownfield Cleanup. The award of $211,000 from the EPA Brownfields Cleanup grant to be used at the former Aunt B’s Carwash property which has two underground storage tanks was authorized. The grant will cover the total cost from SCS of $198,841, with no required local match.

City Manager Greg McDanel gave an update to the council. The city has received bids for South Main Phase II, and will now continue with the process through MoDOT before bringing a contract to the council at a meeting in the near future. The city also continues the waterline lead service inventory project.