The Maryville R-II School Board conducted the following business during its regular meeting September 20:
The school board approved entering into a three-year agreement with Newton Alliance/Catapult Learning for summer school programing.
DESE announced that Algebra I and English II testing scores did not produce year-to-year comparable results, so DESE will not release those scores publicly and they will not be included in the school’s APR score.
All the new phones have been installed in the district. The new intercom program has been installed and has several new features including the ability to page every room in every building at the same time.
The elementary currently has 506 students in grades K-4 and 40 preschoolers.
The middle school has seen 45 new students to the district.
The high school enrollment is down to 453.
Trudy Kinman is a finalist for the Northwest Regional Teacher of the Year award.
The ACT will be offered at the high school on Tuesday, October 3.
Homecoming will be the week of October 1-6.
The technical school culinary arts class prepared lunch for the Chamber of Commerce ambassador lunch in September.
Fall mums are available for purchase in the greenhouse.
The technical school collision repair class is working on restoring a 1958 Nash Metropolitan for the World of Wheels show.
Megan Sole was hired as the high school assistant track coach.
Riley Klein was hired as the high school assistant wrestling coach.
The board went into a closed session to discuss personnel and the purchase or leasing of land.
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