County schools give weather-related notice information
West Nodaway
If school is closed or delayed due to inclement weather, a WN Rockets Text Alert will be sent. It will also be on the following radio/TV stations and their websites: KNIM 97.1 FM/95.9 FM, KMA 960 AM and 99.1 FM, KKJO 92.7 FM/105.5 FM, 68 KFEQ 680 AM and KQ2.
Information will be posted on the West Nodaway website live feed at and also be posted on the WN Twitter and Facebook pages.
Contact Tayne Fast at West Nodaway High School 660.725.3317 if you have any questions.
To help everyone be better prepared for the approaching winter weather, Maryville R-II is sharing the following procedures for this school year.
Announcements concerning cancellations, early outs, late starts, and/or the use of hard-surface-only bus routes will be made locally through the following: radio, KNIM 97.1 FM and 1580 AM and KXCV/KRNW 90.5 FM and 88.9 AM; Spoofhound mobile texting service – use link on the website to enroll; school reach, which is an automatic calling service for employees only; social media with a suggestion to rely only on school official accounts like @spoofhoundsupt; television, KQ2, KCTV5, Fox 4 and KSHB41. There are sometimes technical difficulties with these stations so please check a backup system if in doubt.
In the event of a late start, everything for grades k-12 is on a two-hour delay. School will begin at 9:55 am, and bus stops will be two hours later than normal. There will be no morning GO Program childcare and no before-school practices/activities. Breakfast will only be served at Eugene Field, not at the middle or high schools.
On early-out days, there will be no after-school athletic or club practices/activities and no middle school stat classes. There will typically be afternoon GO Program childcare at Eugene Field unless an announcement is made otherwise.
Practices and activities will be made on a commonsense basis. Typically, nothing will start prior to noon to allow time for roads to be cleared and conditions to improve.
North Nodaway
We broadcast weather related info on radio: KMA, KNIM TheVille, KXCV, KAAN, KFEQ, KJO; television: KCTV and KQTV.
The best means for weather-related announcements is to use Mustang Alert Textcaster. Sign-up information is on the school’s website.
South Nodaway
School cancellations and postponements due to weather or other circumstances where school may either be cancelled or delayed two hours will be announced on the following radio and TV stations: KFEQ, KQ2, KCTV5, KNIM and KAAN. The district will also utilize the Longhorn Alerts system through cell phones.
The school website has access to sign up for textcaster or Longhorn Alerts. We will also use the School facebook page, South Nodaway Longhorn Family and we will also Tweet at @SNLonghorns.
A text alert will be sent out using the district’s textcaster service. Patrons can sign up to receive text alerts on the district’s website An alert will be sent out on the Jefferson App as well. The local radio stations KAAN 95.5 and KNIM 97.1 and Q Country (92.7). The Kansas City television stations are alerted along with KQ2.
Northeast Nodaway
Text alerts tell of school schedule changes due to inclement weather and individuals can sign up at In addition to text alerts and twitter, @NENBluejays, for up-to-date information, listen to KAAN 95.5, KNIM 97.1 or KFEQ 107.9 or watch KQTV, KMBC or KCTV. On the internet, access and
Late start is on Wednesday, with classes to begin at 9:20. Two hour delay will make classes start at 10:15 and buses will pick up approximately two hours later than normal.
Textcaster is used. The local media, KFEQ – 68.0 AM, KSJQ – 92.7 FM, KKJO – 105.5 FM, KSFT – 1550 AM, KMA 960 and KNIM 97.1, all radio stations and KQTV, KSMO TV 5 and Fox 4 News, television stations.
St. Gregory
On days when the weather is bad, listen to any local radio or television station for information about school closing. The following stations will be contacted when St. Gregory School is closed: KXCV 90.5 FM, KNIM 97.1 FM, KJO 105.5 FM, KQ 2, KSJQ, 92.7 FM, KCTV5, KFEQ, 680 AM and KSFT 1550 AM.
Falcon Alerts is a text messaging service for school closings, late starts or early dismissals. An email will also be sent out from the school office.
When St. Gregory School is closed for the day or dismisses early, it also means that all activities scheduled after school or that evening are canceled, including all after school athletics and meetings.
St. Gregory School will dismiss early if Maryville R-II dismisses early due to weather. Except in extreme weather cases, after-school care will be offered until 5:30 pm.
If St. Gregory School should choose a two-hour delay for starting the school day these procedures will be followed. Before-school care will not be offered when a two-hour delay is implemented. After-school care will be offered until 5:30 pm. Drop-off for preschool through eighth grade students will begin at 9:25 am and the school day will start at 9:55 am. School doors will open at 9:25 am and drop-off for all students begins at this time. Dismissal will be at regular time.
Horace Mann
Horace Mann Laboratory School will be closed due to inclement weather if the Maryville public schools announce closure before school begins. HMLS will not begin late or dismiss early due to weather unless Northwest deems it necessary. Decisions made in the early morning hours or late evening hours will be given to KNIM and KXCV radio stations.
Extended care for K-6 is available for children that are enrolled in after-school child care Bearcat Club on days Horace Mann is closed for inclement weather. Horace Mann does not dismiss early during the school day for inclement weather. If Northwest is closed, the school and child care are also closed.
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