Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 1/30/24 with one addition. The motion passed.

Accounts Payable: #83653-83755

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Extension Council Expense Report for December 2023, Missouri Boys State thank you letter.

Returned a call to a resident in the Scout Ridge subdivision to discuss a culvert issue. The commission looked at this.

Josh McKim, Nodaway County Economic Development director, stopped in to give Nodaway County Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) updates on the school districts, cities, townships and fire protection districts that have taken action and have confirmed decisions within minutes. All tax entities have been contacted. The commission called for a public meeting to discuss public input on changes to the EEZ charter and was set at 10 am, Tuesday, February 20, at the county Administration Center conference room. Also present: Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer and Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor.

Andy Macias and Larry Jacobson, Snyder and Associates, held the pre-bid meeting for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant. No contractors attended. Macias stated they would be reaching out to contractors to answer any questions. Also present: Engle.

Snyder and Associates  presented a status update on BRO-074(64) and BRO-074(65) were given. The LPA Invoice #5 for BRO(65) was signed.

Discussed the quote from Johnson Controls on fire alarm inspection. Will be seeking other bids for comparison.

Inspected Bridge #0877014 in Hughes Township.

Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

The commission, along with the road and bridge crew, took the wreath down off the Courthouse. Also looked at some issues in Judge Robert Rice’s office.

A call was put in to Ivan Schraeder, county attorney, for a status update on the Mercer County court case involving sheriff’s salary. The case is under judge’s review.

Discussed White Cloud Township Road #763 status per a resident’s inquiry. Research of vacated and abandoned roads was conducted.

Purchase orders were produced and shared with Dean Hinnant, Project Manager, with Electronic Contract Company for the Jail Maintenance and Improvement Grant. A call was put in to Cheyenne Murphy, NWMO Regional Council of Governments, to get a status update on the project. A change order was also requested by Hinnant for Integrity Steel who had sent it to Major Scott Wedlock. A message was left for Wedlock for the change order.

Discussed truck pricing for a new truck purchase for road and bridge. Truck beds will need to be bid with sealed bids at a later date.

Walk made a motion to adjourn until 2/6/2024 when Burns and Walk will travel to the Capital for Great Northwest Days.

February 6, 2024

Burns and Walk traveled to Jefferson City to attend the annual Great Northwest Days at the Capital.

Walker was in the office, but no quorum met, so no county business was discussed.

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