The Clearmont City Council held their July meeting, July 27, when they accepted a resignation letter from Kristy Snodderley, who was the city’s water bill clerk.

This position will be posted.

Kurt and Debbie Engle addressed the council regarding the violation letter they received from the city. The letter requested the Engles to move two trees and a shed that is encroaching on city property. The Engles questioned the necessity of moving the items as the alley is now passable. They stated that the trees and shed are not as far out in the alley as the utility poles and if the city does not move the poles there should be no need to remove their trees and shed. The Engles asked to have the violation revoked. After council discussion, a motion carried to revoke the violation.

Meryl Farnan told the council about his concerns regarding the traffic and parking on Third Street during baseball season. Spectators are parking on both sides of the street and have blocked his and other neighbor’s driveways multiple times. They also don’t slow down at road intersections. He suggested the city install no parking signs and stop signs at the intersection. The council agreed there is a problem and will purchase the road signs.

Alderman Brenda Snodderley requested the city’s leash law be placed on the Clearmont Facebook page.


The water/sewer report noted 246,000 gallons were used and the repair needed at the lagoon, a flange welded, was completed.

Street maintenance reported Jesse Hanig will begin filling potholes, starting with Pine and Railroad Streets.