The First Christian Church, Maryville, provided Nodaway County Fair carnival workers a hearty late-night breakfast on July 12.
Helping with the meal were, front: Sandi Mull, Barbara York, Jacob Duty, John Schenkel; back: Bob Severson, Lori Mahoney, Sue Schenkel, Muriel Simmerman, Jim York and Merle Pierce. Not pictured: Wendy Deering-Poynter, Marcia Jordan, Lynn Felton and Shoba Brown.
The menu was pancakes, egg casserole, sausage, biscuits and gravy, fresh fruit, pastries, cinnamon rolls, apple and orange juice and cereal.
David Yarnell, carnival owner, told Schenkel that a few towns serve a meal to the workers, but Maryville’s is unique because it is served late at night. This is the second year for the meal.
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