This Week's News

Former mayor addresses Maryville council

During the Maryville City Council meeting September 28, former Mayor Keith Walburn spoke against several items in the proposed budget. Walburn advised the council not to terminate the Northwest Missouri Regional Airport airport manager position. He stated that there is great potential liability at the multi-million facility and urged the council to re-evaluate. Proper maintenance

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Golfers tee off for polio eradication

The third annual Pars for Polio fundraiser saw 18 golfers tee off at the Maryville Country Club on September 22. The event, sponsored by the Maryville Rotary Club, raised $550 to help eradicate polio. Players were front: Sue Dorrel, Casey Dupree, Mike Herring, Harvey Mills, Wes Rockwood, JR Kurz, Natalie Bade and Curtis Behrend. Back:

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Hopkins park receives grants

Hopkins Community Betterment (HCB) recently received grants for city park improvements. Jim Cline and HCB president Donna Spalding accept the $7,000 Gary G. Taylor Charitable Trust grant from Rex Brod, US Bank market president. HCB also received $1,500 from the Dugdale Charitable Trust Fund and $3,500 from the Harry and Helena Messick Charitable Trust. The

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Calculation error leads to changes in health center tax levy

Tom Patterson, Nodaway County Health Center director, informed the board at its September 20 meeting of a calculation error at the State Auditor’s office resulting in the need to change the 2017 tax levy. Board members approved the tax rate change of 4.91¢ per $100 valuation, approved in August, to 5¢. With this increase, the

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Ambulance board gears up for docudrama, MO HOPE

Nodaway County Ambulance District board members discussed upcoming events and conducted the following business during the regular September 14 meeting: •The annual docudrama, portraying a realistic car accident, will be October 14 for area schools. On October 7-9, MO HOPE, a realistic disaster training, will be held at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park. •Personnel is identifying

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Burlington Jct. addresses vandalism

Burlington Jct. City Council members discussed multiple accounts of vandalism during their September 14 meeting. The city park’s cook shack door was kicked in, but there didn’t appear to be anything missing. The city’s water plant was broken into and a tool box and drill were stolen. Mayor Justin Plymell reminded citizens to keep valuables

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United Way begins fall campaign

The 2016-2017 United Way campaign started September 1 with a goal of $85,000 to help support the following agencies: 4-H, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County, Boy Scouts of America, Children and Family Center of Northwest Missouri, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Community Services, Inc., Girl Scouts of Northeastern Kansas and Northwest Missouri, Health Emergency Lifeline,

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Nodaway-Holt opens food cupboard

Nodaway-Holt school district has opened a food cupboard for students. The school district has seen an increase in students who need basic necessities. A few days after the staff began to brainstorm how to solve the problem, Savannah’s school called Nodaway-Holt. Savannah had received a large donation of canned goods, more than they needed, and

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Tooth Fairy visits county schools

The tooth fairy and tooth wizard visited Jefferson and North Nodaway schools on September 20 and 21 as part of Delta Dental’s Land of Smiles program. The duo performed an interactive skit about tooth care for elementary students. Each child was given a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. The free program prompts children to adopt good

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