July is the peak of summertime activities in Nodaway County. Here are some of the events scheduled:
• July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – Maryville Farmers Market, Fourth and Buchanan Streets, 7:30 am to noon or sell-out.
• July 1, 15, 22, 29 – Art Farm Ceramics, Barnard, one-day workshops, Momoko Cotter instructor. July 1, sake set, 7 to 9 pm. Classes from 9:30 to 11:30 am: July 15, mug and bowl from flat; July 22, name plate; July 29, my favorite animal. Cost is $25 per person and includes two pounds of clay, glaze and firing, except for mug and bowl class which is $35 per person and includes four pounds of clay. For more information and to register, email artfarm.barnard@gmail.com.
• July 1-29 – Maryville Public Library summer reading program, Build a Better World. For ages one to 18. For more information, call 660.582.5281.
• July 3, 4 – Heroes for Heroes Bull Riding, Savannah fair grounds, gates open 6 pm, show starts 7 pm. Event is to help local veterans and veteran organizations. Team Rock ninja show, 7 pm, followed by mutton bustin’, bull riding, fireworks. Adults, $10; children ages seven to nine, $7; ages six and under, free.
• July 4 – Fireworks at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park, 25055 Liberty Road, Maryville, from 7 to 11 pm. In addition to fireworks, there will be a human foosball tournament, children’s inflatables, food and more. For more information, call 660.562.2323 or email info@mozingolake.com.
• July 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 19, 25, 27 – Horace Mann School presents Summer Movie Magic, at The Hangar, 12:30 pm. Purchase tickets only online at goo.gl/WODa3G. All admission proceeds go to Horace Mann. Concessions available at theater.
• July 6-8 – 129th annual Hopkins Picnic. Bring lawn chairs to stage shows; entertainment/ride arm bands available at Maryville Hy-Vee, Wilson Grocery and Rick’s Country Shoppe, Hopkins, and are good 6 to 11 pm, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Advanced price, $15; at picnic, $20.
Daily events: Quilt and craft display, bingo stand, games, raffles, root beer floats by Hopkins Community Betterment, fresh lemonade by Roxy Theater, Wray Memorial Methodist Church food stand.
Thursday: 5 pm, pet show; 7 pm, Little Mr. and Miss Hopkins contest; 7 pm, Maryville Dance Academy; 8 pm, Outlaw Creek.
Friday: 5:30 pm, gramps and granny show; 7 pm, Tribe of Mic-O-Say; 8 pm, Phil Forney Band.
Saturday: 7 am, NN 5K race/walk, 6:30 am registration; 10 am, Mustangs Memorial Ride, 9 am registration; 11 am, kiddie Parade, 10 am, registration; 11 am to 1 pm, lunch available at Hopkins City Park; 1 pm, antique tractor show; 5 pm, kids pedal pull and safety alley with Sparky the Fire Dog; 6:30 pm, male beauty pageant; 8 pm, Michael Goff & Broken Spoke; 10 pm, prize drawing and drawing for 4-wheeler.
• July 6, 13, 20, 27 – Story Time at the Maryville Public Library, birth to age three, 9:45 to 10:15 am. For more information, call 660.582.5281.
• July 6 – Story Hour at the Maryville Public Library, birth to age six, 5:30 pm. For more information, call 660.582.5281.
• July 7, 21, 28 – Mozingo Movie Nights, Mozingo Lake Recreation Park, main RV campground, 8:30 to 11 pm. The free movies begin at sunset; bring blankets or lawn chairs for seating, snacks and drinks. Movie schedule: July 7, “Captain America Civil War;” July 21, “Finding Dory;” July 28, “Power Rangers.”
• July 8 – Second annual Putting for Presents Golf Tournament, Mozingo Lake Golf Course, presented by Santa Cops for Kids of Nodaway County. Scramble-style four player teams, shot gun start, 2 pm. Registration forms at Maryville Public Safety, Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office and Mozingo Lake Golf Course Clubhouse. For more information, contact Officer Ian Myers or Officer Sarah Kahmann at 660.562.3209.
• July 8 – Tri-C Truck and Tractor Pull, 6:30 pm. For more information, call 660.254.0673.
• July 8-9 – Parnell Festival and Duck Race, Parnell.
Saturday: 7:45 pm, “Matilda” family movie, park bandstand; 8 pm to midnight, beer garden and music; 9:30 pm, fireworks.
Sunday: 9 am to 3 pm, Show and Shine, for more information, contact Steve Mullock at 660.582.9374 or 660.937.3242; 10 am, church service by Travis Dimmitt, bring lawn chairs; 11 am to 2 pm, Methodist Church BBQ; 11:30 am, parade, for more information, call 660.986.2232; following parade, Mic-O-Say dancers; 12:15 to 4 pm, Cory Cronk and Outlaw Creek Band; noon until it’s gone, homemade ice cream at Lions Shelter; 1 pm, mystery box auction; 1:30 pm, duck race on the Platte River; 2 pm, kids pedal pull; 3 pm, bathtub races.
All day Sunday activities: American Legion Auxiliary bake sale, drinks and raffle; Boy Scout Troop 131 games; craft and vendor fair; 50/50 raffle, pony rides by Flights of Fancy; Games Unlimited; free bounce house; bingo; NEN bake sale, lemonade, dunk tank, jingle board, plinko, slushies, photo booth.
• July 9 – Mozingo Lone Ranger Golf Tournament, Mozingo Lake Recreation Golf Course, noon to 4 pm. Three person teams; for more information, call 660.562.3864.
• July 10, 11 – Nodaway County Band Rehearsal, Maryville High School band room, 6 to 7:30 pm. For more information, contact krug@maryviller2.com.
• July 11, 18, 25 – Story Hour, Maryville Public Library, ages two to eight, 9:45 am. For more information, call 660.582.5281.
• July 11 – Lego® Challenge, Maryville Public Library, 12:30 to 1:30 pm. For students in grades one to five; advanced registration is requested.
• July 11, 18, 25 – Hopkins Museum, North Third Street, Hopkins, open at no charge from 1 to 3 pm. Call Garland and Pat O’Riley, 660.778.3432, for other viewing.
• July 11 – Minecraft® Club, Maryville Public Library, 6 to 6:45 pm. For ages eight to 13; advanced registration is required to attend, 660.582.5281.
• July 13 – Senior Talks: Legal Aspects of Aging, presented by attorney Jennifer McKinley, who specializes in elder law, Oak Pointe, 817 South Country Club Road, Maryville, 5 to 6 pm. The first topic will be about power of attorney. In August, the topic will be estate planning. RSVP by Wednesday, July 12. For more information, contact Stephanie at 660.562.2799 or sreed@provisionliving.com.
• July 13-15 – “Discover The Magic Of Memories” at the annual Nodaway County Fair, Downtown Square, Maryville. Livestock shows, Tuesday through Thursday, Nodaway County Community Building; quilts exhibit begins Wednesday, open/4-H exhibits begin Thursday, Nodaway County Administration Building; carnival/rides and entertainment on the square, Thursday through Saturday.
Thursday: 6 pm, Little Mr. and Miss Nodaway County; 7:15 pm, Nodaway County Community Band; 8:30 pm, Marcos the Magical.
Friday: 5 to 7 pm, barbecue contest; 6:05 pm, Under the Big Oak Tree band; 7 pm, quilt auction by Krazy Quilters Club; 8 pm, Country Showdown.
Saturday: 8 am, pancake fundraiser by Chris Cakes, Fourth and Buchanan Streets; 9:30 am, Nodaway County Fair parade; noon, pedal pull; 1 pm, kids water war; 2 pm, checker tournament; 2 pm, movies, memories and songs of the past, Nodaway County Museum; 3 to 8 pm, Nodaway County Fair motorcycle show; 5 to 7 pm, barbecue contest; 5 to 9 pm, safety alley; 6:15 pm, Ms. Whitney’s School of Dance; 7:15 pm, plaque presentation and raffle; 7:30 pm, Divas through the Decades; 9 pm, Rickie Lee Tanner Country Show.
• July 13-15 – Maryville Host Lions food tent and Today’s Civic Women’s lemonade stand, open evenings at the Nodaway County Fair.
• July 14 – Spoofhound Football Golf Tourney, Mozingo Lake Golf Course. Check-in, 6:30 or 11:30 am; tee time, 7:30 am or 1 pm. Lunch, 11:30 am. Four person scramble, sign up by July 7.
• July 14 – McShine & Show car show, McDonald’s, Maryville, 5:30 pm.
• July 14, 15 – Magical Days of Summer, flower show, First Christian Church, 201 West Third Street, Maryville. Friday, 1 to 8:30 pm; Saturday, 8 am to 1 pm. Sponsored by the Maryville Garden Club; free and open to the public. For more information, contact Martha Heflin-Moldaver at 660.582.8838 or 660.254.9658.
• July 15 – American Bass Anglers Fishing Tournament, Mozingo Lake Recreation Park city ramp, 6 am to 3 pm. Open tournament. For registration and more information, visit americanbassanglers.com/districts2015.php?Division=59.
• July 15 – Motion picture theaters in Maryville, free program at the Nodaway County Historical Society Museum, 110 North Walnut Street, Maryville, 2 pm. For more information, call 660.582.8176.
• July 15-17 – Session Three Youth Golf Camp, Mozingo Lake Recreation Park Watson 9. July 15, 8 to 11 am; July 16, 1 to 4 pm; July 17, 8 to 11 am. Ages five to 18 will learn etiquette, rules and the fundamentals of golf. For more information, call 660.562.3864.
• July 18 – Maryville Community Blood Drive, First United Methodist Church, 102 North Main Street, 11 am to 7 pm. Sponsored by the Business Women of Missouri. All registered blood donors will have a chance to win one of four staycations of choice. Community Blood Center of St. Joseph is building blood supplies for the upcoming solar eclipse in August.
• July 18 – Mr. Dumke’s Challenge, Maryville Public Library, 12:30 pm. For independent readers in the summer reading program. For more information, call 660.582.5281.
• July 20 – Wine and Design Ladies Night, HOME by Sonja, 103 South Main Street, Maryville, 6 pm. For more information, call 660.582.3862.
• July 20 – Lego® Club, Maryville Public Library, 6 pm. For students in grades one to five; advanced registration is requested.
• July 21 – Garden to Table fundraiser, Nodaway County Historical Society Museum, 110 North Walnut Street, Maryville, 5 to 7 pm. Featuring food grown in Northwest Missouri; cost is $8.
• July 21 – Build your own pizza and movie event, Maryville Public Library, 10 am to 1 pm. For grades five to 12.
• July 22 – Amazing Lettuce Chase, 1623 East Second Street, Maryville, start times from 10 am to 1:30 pm, scheduled to end, 8 pm. Fundraiser for Lettuce Dream. It’s a clue-to-clue adventure which takes participants on a five-hour trip visiting historical and interesting places in Nodaway County. Entry fee is $100 for a four-person team, with entry deadline of July 12. For more information, contact Lettuce Dream at 660.224.2203.
• July 22 – Fourth annual Brad Peve Memorial Poker Run, Beal Park, Maryville, noon to 1 pm. Four state run, 100 percent payback, T-shirts $10; poker hands $5. Order shirts on Facebook, Brad Peve Poker Run. For more information, call 660.541.3752.
• July 25 – Art Challenge, Maryville Public Library, 12:30 to 1:30 pm. For children in kindergarten through sixth grade.
• July 26 – Mr. Dumke’s book party, Maryville Public Library, 10 am. For independent readers in the summer reading program.
• July 28-30 – Burlington Jct. Town & Country Days “Party in the Junction.”
Friday: 5 to 7 pm, American Legion Dinner; 6 pm, Little Mr. and Miss; 7 to 9 pm, talent show; 9 to 11 pm, street dance by Big Wills Entertainment, pie auction, food stand.
Saturday: 7 am, 5K registration at City Hall, pre-register by July 10 to receive T-shirt, $25; 7:30 to 10 am, American Legion breakfast; 8 am, 5K walk/run, craft show at city hall; 10 am, parade; 11 am, garden tractor pull, Methodist women tractor show, horseshoes, dessert walk, human foosball tournament, bounce house; 2 pm, games for all ages; 4 pm, pedal pull; 7 to 11 pm, live music, Michael Goff and Broken Spoke, pie auction, food stand.
Sunday: 10:30 am, fifth Sunday sing; 5 pm, community fair cleanup and social.
For more information, contact Rochelle Shimak at 816.341.1515.
• July 29 – Blood, Sweat and Gears car and truck show, Beemer’s Muffler Center, 1305 East First Street, Maryville, and Nodaway County Senior Center parking lot. Registration, 9 am; start 10:30 am; awards, 1 pm; afterward, burn-out contest. Senior center will provide food and the New Nodaway Humane Society will be present with animals. Pre-registration $15; day of show, $20; vendors, $20. For more information, call 660.582.2800 or 660.254.4281.
• July 29 – Maryville Public Library End of Summer Reading party, cosmic bowling, 1:30 pm. For ages birth to 18; must be in summer reading program, read four hours and fill out survey to attend.
• July 29, 30 – NW Missouri Two-Man Golf Tournament, Mozingo Lake Recreation Park Golf Course. July 29, 1 to 6 pm; July 30, 9 am to 2 pm. Best ball tournament with 36 holes to determine the winner. For more information, call 660.562.3864.
• July 29, 30 – “Hello Dolly” at the Schneider Performing Arts Center, Maryville.
• July 30 – The Barnard Depot Museum, Highway M, Barnard, 1 to 4 pm. To view the museum at other times or for more information, contact Mike Walker at 816.262.4814 or Kate Nothstine at 660.652.3719.
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