This Week's News

EEZ board approves application

The Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) Board approved a business application during its November 3 meeting. Houston Polytank, Hopkins, applied for the EEZ tax abatement. It’s adding 10,000 square feet of manufacturing space to its current facility. Polytank will hire two additional employees with potential for hiring three more upon expansion completion. The EEZ tax abatement

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City council executes contract on conference center

The Maryville City Council held a special meeting on November 9, to approve a contract with EL Crawford Construction, Inc., St. Joseph, for the construction of the Mozingo Lake Conference Center. The ordinance was read two times in open session and then adopted by the council. The contract is for $5,719,000 and was the low

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Maryville Optimist Club installs officers

The Maryville Optimist Club held its annual officer induction ceremony at the Holiday Inn and Suites meeting room, Maryville. Club members met for pizza and ice cream followed by the induction of officers for the 2016-2017 year which began October 1. Because Samantha White, the 2015-2016 president, resigned mid-term due to moving to another state,

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Jefferson 4-Her members plant a Liberty Tree

Last March, Jefferson 4-H club requested and received a Liberty Tree, one of 30 bud-grafted tulip poplars from the original Maryland Liberty Tree. The tree was received with a plaque and authenticity papers on September 29 and club members planted it at the Conception Community Park. The tree was generously donated by Crader Distributing and

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University to commemorate Veterans Day

For the third consecutive year, Northwest Missouri State University will commemorate Veterans Day by placing wreaths at each of its military markers in tribute to the men and women who served our country. University leaders will place the wreaths at 10:55 am, Friday, November 11. Military markers on the Northwest campus consist of the Memorial

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Chamber Ag Committee honors agriculturists

The 56th annual Nodaway County Farm-City banquet was November 7 at the JW Jones Student Union Ballroom on the Northwest campus. The event, hosted by the Maryville Chamber of Commerce’s Agriculture Committee, recognized many Nodaway Countians who have devoted their lives to agriculture. Over 275 people attended. The Outstanding Farm Family award was presented to

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Hopkins adopts law, discusses buildings

The Hopkins City Council approved to amend ordinance No. 385 by adopting subsection U that authorizes the city to impose a lien upon real property served by public sanitary sewer services for non-payment of sewer account received after its third reading at the November 7 meeting. Judy and Don Crane, Hopkins Community Betterment, discussed a

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Operation Christmas Child collection is November 14-21

By Dustin Henggeler With the holiday season drawing nearer, our thoughts may be turning toward thankfulness for what we have and how we can bless others. One way to do that is through Operation Christmas Child (OCC), a Samaritan’s Purse project that brings shoeboxes filled with gifts to children in struggling countries around the world.

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Election officers on duty to receive fraud complaints

Tammy Dickinson, US attorney for the Missouri Western District, announced that Assistant US Attorney Patrick D. Daly will serve as the Missouri Western District election officer and will oversee the district’s handling of complaints of election fraud and voting rights abuses. The department of justice seeks to ensure public confidence in the integrity of the

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Mold, insect debris found in food establishments

In October, Nodaway County Health Department Environmental Health Specialist Larry Wickersham found mold and insect debris during routine inspections of area food establishments. Hy-Vee Chinese Express, 1217 South Main, high priority Routine inspection October 3. Critical: None observed. Non-critical: Crumbs and debris beneath serving counter, debris between steam table and serving counter, thermometer not reading

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