
Nodaway County holds spelling bee

After weather delays, the Nodaway County Spelling Bee was completed on February 24 at the Hughes Field House on the Northwest campus. Winners were first place, Teddy Sonnenmoser, Horace Mann fifth grader; second place, Vilhelmina Chloupek, St. Gregory seventh grader; back: second alternate Chet Goff, West Nodaway seventh grader; and first alternate Landon Tapps, St.

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Maryville crowns Courtwarming King, Queen

Gus McCollough and Alyssa Cunningham were named Courtwarming King and Queen following the boys game against Savannah February 21 at Maryville High School. The boys won 59-51, and the girls also got an important conference victory, winning 47-39. McCollough is the son of Chad and Monica McCollough, and Cunningham is the daughter of Mike and

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NCCA awards 7 scholarships

Seven seniors, one from each school in the county except South Nodaway, which had no applications, plus one at-large earned a $1,000 scholarship with the option to renew it from the Nodaway County Cattlemen Association, February 8 during the organization’s annual roundup. This years scholarship recipients: Hadley Cline, Jefferson, daughter of Brad and Keely Cline;

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MMS announces growth awards

At the January 31 Maryville Middle School all-school assembly growth awards were announced. Three students who had showed the most growth in math and star reading were chosen in each grade. The reading awards went to front: Melora Wilson, grade eight; Lukas Sybert, Hailyn Walker and Zoey Hager, all in fifth; Princess Chagollan, seventh; back:

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Jefferson, South Nodaway crown royalty 

The South Nodaway and Jefferson Courtwarming King and Queen were announced following the Platte Valley boys game February 7 at Jefferson High School. The Jefferson Queen and King are Maleeah Bliley and Hunter Redden. Bliley is the daughter of Lloyd and Desarae Bliley and Redden is the son of Randy and Sherri Redden. The crown

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NERDS Robotics qualifies for next round of year-end competition

  NERDS Robotics qualifies for next round of year-end competition The South Nodaway-Jefferson team is Lyndon Hayden, Teagan Moutray, Nolan Wallace, South Nodaway and Andy Lager, Jefferson. The Novice Engineer’s Robot Design Society (NERDS) is coached by Jerry Nelson and Royce Cozine. On February 1, the team participated in the KC East League Tournament in

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SN PTO fundraises with bingo

The South Nodaway PTO is holding a bingo night fundraiser from 6 to 8:30 pm, Saturday, February 8 at the SN school gym. The first bingo round starts at 6:15 pm at $2 per card per round. There will be concessions, silent auction and prizes. All proceeds will go towards the updating and expansion of

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North Nodaway, Northeast Nodaway celebrate court warming

The King and Queen from North Nodaway and Northeast Nodaway were crowned at respective ceremonies. Northeast Nodaway held their community pep rally on January 23, while North Nodaway held theirs after the boys basketball game on January 24. The North Nodaway King and Queen are Owen Martin and Neveah Smith. Martin is the son of

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Lions promote peace with schools’ poster contests

The Maryville Pride and Host Lions Clubs promoted peace and Lionism at four area schools with the Lions Peace Poster Contest. This year’s international theme was “Peace Without Limits.” Winners with their posters are pictured on Page 19 of the NNL.

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