The Burlington Jct City Council gathered April 14 and broadcast their meeting through Facebook to allow the public and press to see their actions.
City Secretary Angie Lightner reported revenues are up $15,920 with the Public Water Supply of Nodaway County payments going into reserve for future payments of the water plant debt. The $19,500 water plant payment will be made in April.
She also told the baseball field is progressing with the spring work and some invoices to be paid. Additional clay is being added to the midfield while more grass is being planted where needed. There has also been a cable-post fence placed at the perimeter of the park to divert vehicles.
Lightner shared the state revolving loan has been submitted so the next one she and Northwest Missouri Regional Council staff will work on will be a USDA loan application.
The monthly Alliance report given by Dennis Chitwood noted the contact time of the water during treatment is being reached with 46,080 gallons daily treated and for the month, 515,800 gallons were purchased by Public Water Supply. The total gross water loss was 10.7 percent for March. Read 246 meters of the 266 installed. The sewer report was good in March however recently there are issues with a sewer line that has collapsed in a certain part of town; replacement is being done now.
Council directed staff to go out for bids for an additional holding tank.
Mid-America Road Builders gave a quote, $20,242, for the summer work of double chip and seal with the city doing most of the roadwork ahead of the firm coming to town. After these improvements the street maintenance budget would still have $6,500. Motion carried to contract with the firm.
Mayor Justin Plymell explained the current state of the Public Water contract including an agreement to set the price for the sales that would allow the city to make a small profit as a temporary fix until a permanent sale price could be set.
He announced the water and sewer rates increase was suspended for 60 days total due to the COVID-19 crisis. At the May meeting it will be reassessed.
It was also reported a city-wide clean-up day is planned for Thursday, May 14 with the city paying the $1,350 charge with the American Recycling and Sanitation, Tarkio.
The council went into closed session for the topic of personnel.
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