At the December 6 Hopkins City Council meeting, Randy Beason signed his oath of office to fill the remainder of the late Jess Everhart’s term.
Discussion was held on reorganizing the city council. It was decided to have Beason take over Everhart’s positions. Beason will be president of the board and serve on the finance committee along with Alderman Allan Thompson. Aldermen Richard Moore and Rick Gladman are on the cemetery committee and Thompson and Moore are on the street committee.
Water Operator Chris Bird said the salt structure is completed. Electricity has been added and he plans to hang a tarp over the open end. Salt is being stored there. American Rescue Plan Act funds are being used to pay for the project.
City Clerk Dee O’Riley reported liens will be filed on the Barnard Street properties where the buildings had been taken down by the city. Bird reported he will have Chris Wiederholt move forward with the buildings on Third Street. There is at least a 120-day process before the city can condemn those.
Bird said the water plant upgrades will be held off until spring and he is working on a plan with the company. He said the lift station had issues with flooding. To secure the price on a new pump, he had to go ahead with the order. The company could not confirm a delivery date. The sand and gravel needs to be replaced. He is going to get bids.
After discussion, the council agreed to have Bird look into the possibility of purchasing a mulcher for $1,500 to $1,600 from Orscheln’s. It will be attached to the mower and will pick up and mulch the leaves on city streets and ditches.
O’Riley said MO LAGERS employer rate raised to 9.7 percent for 2022.
A water leak was found at 107 North 11th Street. Bird verified the water did not go down the sewer and the resident is asking for a waiver of the sewer bill in connection with the leak. The council approved charging the resident the average sewer fee and to write off the rest.
After the closed session to discuss personnel, the council went back into open session. A three percent cost of living increase for the city employees and the resignation of Assistant City Clerk Angela Titus were both approved.
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