Melinda Patton, Nodaway County clerk, wishes to inform all registered voters who need to vote an absentee ballot for the April 2 Municipal Election that those ballots will be available in the county clerk’s office beginning on February 19.

Methods of obtaining an absentee ballot include:

• Mail, fax or email a ballot request to 403 North Market, Maryville, MO 64468, 660.582.5282 or Include your name, address, mailing address if different, signature, date of birth and the last four digits of your social security number.

• Call the clerk’s office at 660.582.2251 for an absentee application.

• Vote in person in the county clerk’s office, 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, February 19 through April 1. Bring proper identification such as a voter registration card, driver’s license or utility bill.

The final day to mail an absentee ballot to a voter is Wednesday, March 20. The final day to vote absentee in person is through 5 pm, Monday, April 1 in the county clerk’s office.