Area service organizations are making the world a better place
The Maryville Citizens for Community Action attempts to compile vital information about many of the area service clubs.
The following is a gleaning of that list with the hope that future volunteers could learn of service opportunities. The order of the information is name of organization, purpose, membership process, meeting information and contact data.
4-H of Nodaway County
Purpose: Creating environments where young people are valued, contributing members of the community – making a real difference in their community, country and world.
Membership Process: Youth membership is open to boys and girls ages five to 18, according to age as of December 31 of the program year. 4-H is committed to serving youth of all abilities.
Meetings: Meeting times and locations vary according to the schedule of local clubs.
Projects: 4-H gives youth opportunities to gain leadership, citizenship and life skills through fun and innovative hands-on activities.
Extension offers volunteer opportunities with Master Gardeners, Pony Express Therapy Dogs, Digital Ambassadors and the Extension Council.
Contact: MU Extension Office in Nodaway County, 403 N. Market Rm 308, Maryville, MO 64468; 660.582.8101.
American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Purpose: The AAUW promotes equity for women, education and self-development over the lifespan and positive societal change.
Membership Process: Open to women with a four-year degree or an associate’s degree.
Meetings: Meets once a month, August through May, on various week nights at the Northwest Alumni House, private homes and other locations. The meetings feature programs of interest concerning issues affecting women and girls.
Projects: Give annual scholarships to students at Northwest. Opal E. Eckert Community Action Grant supports worthy recipients to carry out efforts to make the world a better place for women and girls.
Contact: Stacey Calfee, president, 904 East Edwards, Maryville; 660.582.1177; smcalfee@embarq.com.
American Red Cross Midland Empire Chapter
Purpose: Health and safety classes; providing humanitarian disaster relief.
Contact: Maggie Raynolds, 816.826.8394, margaret.raynolds@redcross.org
Barnard Historical Society
Purpose: Preserve history, stock, cleaning maintaining old depot building and lot.
Membership. Anyone but looking for historian with knowledge of town history would be a plus.
Meetings: Monthly open last Sunday of month 1-4 from May thru September.
Current Project: Taking down old windmill to hopefully repair and replace and moving city flag pole to depot.
Contact: Deb Snyder 660.541.2480 or Mike Walker 816.262.4814.
Betterment Foundation of Barnard and Guilford
Purpose: To improve the quality of life in Barnard and Guilford.
Membership Process: Open membership. Attend meetings and get involved with projects and activities. Youth welcome!
Meetings: Posted on the “Betterment Foundation of Barnard & Guilford” Facebook Page.
Projects: Community Events, Community Beautification projects/work, raising funds for new Community Center at Barnard, Barnard street repairs, and Barnard City Park.
Contact: bettermentfoundationbg@yahoo.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County
Purpose: We work to clear the path to a child’s biggest possible future by matching them with a caring, adult mentor in a one-to-one friendship. “Bigs” help “Littles” ignite, empower and defend their potential by standing with them.
Membership Process: Orientation, home visit, matching.
Meetings: Matches get together weekly on their own.
Contact: Lynette Harbin, PO Box 34, Maryville; 660.562.7981; lynette@bbbsnodaway.org.
City of Maryville
Meetings: City Council meetings are the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month at 7 pm at Maryville Public Safety building, 101 N. Vine.
Contact: Greg McDanel, city manager, 415 N. Market, Maryville; 660.562.8001; gmcdanel@maryville.org.
Eastern Star
Purpose: Fraternal organization.
Membership Process: Women age 18 plus who have a direct line to a Masonic relative.
Meetings: Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 7:30 pm, at the Masonic Temple, 1622 N. Main, Maryville.
Projects: Various monetary contributions both nationally and locally.
Contact: Kay Evans, secretary, 30257 Eastview Dr., Maryville; 660.582.3397.
Elks Lodge #760
Purpose: Benevolent organization which is dedicated to service to our community and our country.
Membership Process: Must be at least 21 years old, complete an application, go thru an investigation and an initiation. Fees of prior to 26th birthday $10; 26 years+ $25. $100 annual dues to include assessments.
Meetings: First Tuesday of the month, 7:30 pm, at the Elks Lodge.
Projects: Elks Care Elks Share Little Free Libraries, Maryville Young Players, Santa Cops for Kids, food pantry donations, fire victims, scholarships, blood drive, youth activities and financial support toward community projects.
Contact: Jerimey Thompson, exalted ruler, 760elks@gmail.com; 660.541.3862.
Girl Scouts of NE Kansas and NW Missouri
Purpose: Promote leadership skills and help young ladies develop better self-esteem. Building girls of courage, character and confidence.
Membership Process: Girls, kindergarten through grade 12. Adults, volunteer application process.
Meetings: Girls, at discretion of leaders.
Projects: Providing quality programming for Nodaway County young women.
Contact: Laura Nixon, girlscoutsu805@gmail.com
Graham Lions Club
Meetings: Meets 7 pm, first and third Mondays at the Graham Social Center.
Contact: President Randy Hankins, 660.582.1530.
Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce
Purpose: To inspire and advance a progressive, dynamic community through business and leadership development in Maryville and its trade area: Advocate-Connect-Promote.
Membership Process: Open to any business or individual. Online applications available at www.maryvillechamber.com.
Meetings: The board meets the fourth Thursday of each month in the Chamber conference room.
Projects: Business & retail promotion, leadership & business professional development, community information center, Candidate Forums, Leadership Maryville, Great Northwest Days, and Farm City Banquet.
Contact: Becky Albrecht, executive director, 408 N. Market St., Maryville; 660.582.8643; director@maryvillechamber.com.
Habitat for Humanity of Nodaway County
Purpose: To provide simple, decent, affordable housing for those in need.
Membership Process: Open.
Meetings: The board of directors meets the second Tuesday of every month at 8 am at the Twaddle Realty, Maryville.
Projects: Primary focus is the construction of decent housing in Nodaway County.
Contact: Rex Brod, PO Box 274, Maryville; rex.brod@usbank.com
Hopkins Community Betterment Club
Purpose: The purpose of the Hopkins Community Betterment is to coordinate efforts to support and improve the quality of life throughout the community of Hopkins.
Membership Process: We welcome anyone who wants to further our purpose within the community of Hopkins.
Meetings: We meet in the Hopkins Christian Church Basement on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm.
Projects: In the past several years we have created a walking path and added new playground equipment at the City Park, purchased new Christmas lights and added banners for our city utility poles, conducted city clean-up events, and many more!
Contact: Cameron Morrison at hopkinscomminutybetterment@
Hopkins Historical Society
Meeting: Fall annual meeting, 7 pm, Tuesday, October 8
Contact: President Allen Thompson, 660.778.3429.
James Edward Gray American Legion Post #100
Purpose: Veterans organization.
Membership Process: Must have served in the active military service during a time of conflict. Must show form DD214.
Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month, 7 pm, at the American Legion Hall. Officers change in July.
Projects: Sponsors boy’s baseball, Cadet Patrol, Boys State, Girls State, girl’s softball, oratory contest, flags and flag information to schools and Missouri Funeral Honor Guard Services.
Contact: David Dredge, PO Box 371, Maryville; 660.641.0502.
Knights of Columbus
Purpose: Help the mentally challenged, disadvantaged, scholarships, church, senior citizens and unborn.
Membership Process: Open to males, over the age of 18, who are active members of the Catholic Church.
Meetings: The second Wednesday of the month, 7 pm, at St. Gregory’s Church. Officers change every two years in July. Projects: Tootsie Roll drive, raise money for various projects.
Contact: Ed Seipel, 660.541.3579.
Maryville Athletic Booster Club (BAC)
Purpose: To support Maryville R-II athletic programs through recognition and fundraising to purchase equipment and other needs. All booster activities are financed through membership fees and fundraisers.
Membership Process: Open.
Meetings: The second Wednesday of every month except May and July, 6 pm, at Maryville High School library.
Projects: Concessions and selling apparel.
Contact: JoAnna Baker, baker@maryviller2.com
Maryville Chapter of the Missouri Writers’ Guild
Purpose: To encourage people to do freelance writing or to publish.
Membership Process: Open.
Meetings: Every other month, room 303, First United Methodist Church.
Projects: Every few years we sponsor a writing contest.
Contact: Amy Houts, program chairperson, amysase@gmail.com.
Maryville Citizens for Community Action (MCCA)
Purpose: Seeks to achieve improved citizen involvement, upgrade the utilization of resources, help link resources and facilitate collaborative action in programs and projects designed to benefit the community.
Membership Process: Open.
Projects: Prepares, collects and submits material for the annual Missouri Community Betterment Awards Competition and conducts town hall meetings. Special ad hoc committees are formed as needed.
Contact: Becky Albrecht, executive director, 408 N. Market St., Maryville; 660.582.8643; chamber@maryvillechamber.com.
Maryville Garden Club
Purpose: To stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening among amateur gardeners; to aid in the protection of native trees, plants and birds; to encourage civic planting.
Membership Process: Open to anyone with an interest in gardening.
Meetings: First Tuesday of the month at First Christian Church or other announced location.
Projects: Civic projects include Mabel Perkins Memorial Gardens/Blue Star Memorial, Judah Park, Cooper and Thompson garden; spring and fall plant sales; monthly newspaper article, Across the Garden Gate; flower show.
Contact: Billie Mackey, president, 660.254.0667; bmackey416@gmail.com.
Maryville Host Lions Club
Purpose: Service to community. Internationally known for work to eliminate unnecessary blindness and providing glasses to the needy as well as diabetes awareness.
Membership Process: Sponsorship through an active member, then approved by nominating committee, then the board of directors.
Meetings: Every Thursday, noon, at the Maryville Community Center.
Projects: Scholarships to Northwest, Mozingo Lake recreation funding, Maryville Parks and Recreation funding, audio reader, Lake Viking Camp for visually impaired and Kids Sight of Missouri, as well as a flag program, meals on wheels and senior center support.
Contact: Karen Miller, president, 660.562.4670; Al Orgeron, secretary; secretarymhl@gmail.com.
Maryville Pride Lions Club
Purpose: Community service.
Membership Process: Open.
Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays of the month, 6:30 pm, at the Association of Group Homes, 122 E. Lieber St. Maryville.
Projects: Provide scholarships for graduating high school students. Glasses for needy, diabetes, etc.
Contact: David Primm, secretary, 205 E. Bentley, Ravenwood; 660.582.9394; ldprimm@grm.net.
Maryville Public Library Trustees
Purpose: Adopt a budget and library policies to provide fiscal oversight and ensure efficient and effective library service. Work with the director to maintain adequate funding and a safe and inviting library building and grounds.
Membership Process: Meetings are public. Anyone can attend.
Meetings: Meet monthly to represent Maryville taxpayers in defining the mission of the library in response to local community needs.
Projects: The Maryville Public Library hosts an annual summer reading program for children, a preschool story hour weekly and numerous educational and enriching events for the public. Pre literacy skills development among infants, activities for toddlers and preschoolers, and computer skills help for adults. Volunteers, who can make application at the front desk, are needed to deliver books to homebound seniors. Board of director application is also available.
Note: The Friends and Foundation of the Maryville Public Library (FFMPL) is a 501(c)(3) Supportive Organization to promote a strong, positive image of the Maryville Public Library among the general public; to oversee and administer the Second Century Library Endowment Fund; and to support the goals and objectives of the Maryville Public Library by encouraging monetary and gift support for the Library and by working as activists for literacy and outreach in the community. The FFMPL Board of Directors is currently interlocked and the same as the Maryville Public Library (MPL) Executive Board of Trustees, a public body. The MPL Executive Board of Trustees oversee and administer the Second Century Library Endowment Fund Foundation and the Friends of the Library Checking Account. FFMPL meetings are held at 1-2 times a year immediately following a regular meeting of the MPL Executive Board of Trustees.
Contact: Director Stephanie Patterson, 509 N. Main, Maryville; 660.582.5281, director@
Maryville Rotary Club
Purpose: Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards and help build good will and peace in the world.
Membership Process: Invitations. Seek to have occupational representativeness in membership.
Meetings: Every Wednesday at noon, at the Maryville Community Center, 1407 N. Country Club Rd.
Projects: Polio Plus, Mozingo Lake bathhouse, sports park shelter, Maryville High School students of the month, Shoes for Orphan Souls, middle school environmental projects and Nodaway County Senior Center; scholarships: outstanding farm youth award and Frank Felton Northwest Missouri State University Scholarship.
Contact: Skye Pouranazi, president, skyp@maryvilleforum.com.
Ministry Center, Inc.
Purpose: To provide free clothing to families with low incomes and provide food and commodities to needy people and families in Nodaway County.
Membership Process: Volunteers from area churches, primarily, and others from the community who serve without pay.
Meetings: The Ministry Center Board meets the second Monday of the month.
Projects: Providing food for the Christmas baskets for needy families, contributing to the Christmas meal at the Senior Center, contributing to the Energy Assistance at Community Services.
Contact: 971 South Main, Maryville; 660.582.6649.
New Nodaway Humane Society Animal Shelter
Purpose: Give care and shelter to lost, abused or unwanted animals.
Meetings: Elected board meets the second Tuesday of each month, and the general membership meets annually in October.
Projects: Spaying, neutering and licensing.
Contact: Wendy Combs, 829 S. Depot, Maryville; 660.582.3216; nnhsmanager@gmail.com
Nodaway Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Purpose: Historic, educational and patriotic.
Membership Process: Must be a descendent of one who fought or assisted in the Revolutionary War.
Meetings: September through May, except December and January, on the second Saturday of the month at the First United Methodist Church.
Projects: Various contests through the schools in the county. Presentations of a flag each year. Practice conservation. Displays of a patriotic nature.
Contact: Frances Harbin, regent, Maryville.
Nodaway County Historical Society
Purpose: Collection, preservation and display of Nodaway County historical artifacts.
Membership Process: Annual memberships: $25 individual; $40 family; $50 patron; $250 per person lifetime. Annual business/corporate memberships: $100 contributing; $250 sponsor; $500 benefactor; $1,000 patron. Meetings: Annual meeting of the society is held at the end of June.
Projects: All of the museum buildings including Caleb Burns house, Hickory Grove school and the museum are open to the public Tuesday through Friday from March through November. Members serve as greeters and tour guides when the museum is open. Programs are presented each year on a wide variety of subjects.
Contact: 660.582.8176; nodawaycountyhistoricalsociety
Nodaway County Senior Center
Purpose: To provide balanced meals to homebound seniors and seniors in a congregate setting. Recreation, health and socialization opportunities for senior citizens.
Membership Process: Walk-in.
Contact: Mia Nelson, 1210 E. First, Maryville; 660.562.3999; nodawayseniors@yahoo.com.
Nodaway Masonic Lodge #470 AF:AM
Purpose: Fraternal/charitable.
Membership Process: Open to males ages 18 and older.
Meetings: The first and third Mondays of the month, 7:30 pm, at the Masonic Lodge, 1622 N. Main, Maryville.
Projects: Masonic Home. Various community contributions.
North Star Advocacy Center
Purpose: To provide safety and support services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and provide information within five counties of Northwest Missouri.
Membership Process: Open
Meetings: 660.562.2320 toll free, 24-hour crisis line.
Projects: On-going training-volunteer advocates; case management, crisis intervention, 24-hour hotline, court advocacy and shelter.
Contact: Linda Mattson, executive director, 1220 East Second Street, Maryville; 660.562.2320; director@northstarac.org
Northwest Missouri Beebusters
Purpose: To promote the information and hands-on help for those wanting to be and are beekeepers.
Membership Process: Open to anyone interested in beekeeping.
Meetings: Meeting times vary. Meet at Laura Street Baptist Church, Maryville.
Contact: Ed Wohlford, Jr.; beebusters2012@gmail.com.
Optimist Club of Maryville
Purpose: To aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life, and the world. By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.
Membership Process: Open.
Meetings: Every Thursday, 7 am, at the First Christian Church, Maryville. Officers change in October.
Projects: Youth oriented. Fishing and essay contests, reading literacy, youth cabins at Mozingo and drug free poster contest.
Contact: Trudy Kinman, president; 660.582.4212; tkinman48@icloud.com.
Pickering Lions Club
Meetings: Meets 7 pm, second and fourth Mondays at the Pickering Community Building.
Contact: President Darren Clements, 660.541.3273.
Pony Express Council of the Boy Scouts of America
Purpose: It is the mission of the Boy Scouts to serve others by helping to instill values in young people and to prepare them to make ethical choices during their lifetime in achieving their full potential.
Membership Process: 18 and older volunteers.
Meetings: Call for more information.
Projects: Scouting 4 Food Council Level. Many service projects on the local unit level. Scholarships based upon need; financial assistance is available.
Contact: Otoe district executive, 816.233.1351.
Mosaic Medical Center – Maryville Auxiliary
Purpose: A group of individuals from varied backgrounds whose primary focus is to aid in promotion of the health and welfare of the community by assisting in fundraising to help with new equipment and scholarships.
Membership Process: Open to men and women. Active, $15; Associate, $20.
Meetings: The elected board meets monthly. The organization meets three times a year, plus monthly meetings as needed for activities of the group. Change of officers occurs in January.
Projects: Operate gift shop, crafts for Holiday Bazaar, book fairs twice a year, bake sale, bridge luncheon, marathon bridge group. Funds all go toward nursing scholarships and equipment for the hospital.
Contact: 660.562.2600.
Today’s Civic Women
Purpose: To promote community and individual development and fellowship among its members.
Membership Process: Open. We have a membership drive in October.
Meetings: The first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. The location is varies. Installation of officers is in May.
Projects: Toys for Tots, Hats and Gloves for Kids, holiday food baskets, lemonade stand.
Contact: tcwmaryville@gmail.com.
United Way of Nodaway County
Purpose: Fundraising for non-profit organizations.
Membership Process: Open.
Meetings: Four times a year, in Maryville. Officers change in January.
Projects: Annual fundraising and community advocacy.
Contact: Tiffany Whipple, secretary/treasurer, PO Box 164, Maryville, MO 64468; 660.562.3910; unitedwaynodawaycounty@gmail.
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