More Vacation Bible Schools are being offered in July and August to children in Nodaway County.

Following are upcoming VBS offerings:

• July 15-18 – St. Joseph Catholic Church, Parnell, 6 to 7:30 pm for ages kindergarten to sixth grade.

• July 17-19 – Burlington Jct. and Wilcox United Methodist Church VBS is from 5:45 to 8 pm with a meal served at 5:45pm. It will be at the BJ UMC.

• August 4-7 – “Space Adventure” at The Bridge, 1122 South Main, Maryville, 6 to 8:30 pm for ages three to fifth graders. Dinner is provided for the children each night. Registration is open at

• August 4-8 – Barnard Christian Church, “SonWest Roundup,” 6 to 8 pm for ages three years to sixth grade. Closing program is Thursday evening.