The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met on December 18 to handle the following school district business:
At the end of December, the school had a higher than normal rate of absenteeism due to illnesses including flu and strep. On December 18, there were 35 students absent.
SN will try the Springfield school district’s Launch program. This is a credit recovery program which will allow students to make up classes. It is offered online and is cheaper than doing the Odysseyware program the district currently uses. Superintendent Johnnie Silkett said that the Springfield district had developed the program for all Missouri public schools as an answer to alternative schools.
Silkett announced the school district had received a $21,000 grant from the Rickard Trust. This will be used for the Guilford Sports Complex lighting.
A lighting bid from LightPoles Plus, Milwaukee, WI, for $59,940 was approved for the complex; the poles have already been purchased. Trenching was completed for water lines and electrical conduit, along with the concrete anchors for the 70-foot light poles. The poles for the scoreboard have been set. Plans to grade and gravel the parking lot are up next.
Silkett gave the board his job description and last year’s evaluation so it could review them before the Wednesday, January 17, board meeting, when it will complete his evaluation for the current year.
Silkett is going to work with Jefferson C-123 Superintendent Tim Jermain on the 2018-19 school calendar. The schools are talking about holding professional development days together.
Silkett is putting the 2018-19 school budget on hold until the current situation with the Missouri State Board of Education is worked out and information comes from the legislature about state funding. Silkett plans to keep the board informed of developments.
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