Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the Commissioner’s Office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns, Scott Walk, associate commissioners, and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 8/31/2021. The motion passed.
Public comment: None.
Approved: Invoice to Devnet; reimbursement to Polk Township for reimbursement through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
Accounts payable: Checks #79147-79185.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to North Missouri Auto Clinic for equipment repairs; to Gray Oil for diesel fuel.
Jim Knox, Norris Quarries representative, returned a call regarding Ravenwood quarry and the CART rock delivered to Hopkins Township. Knox plans to personally call Roger Florea, trustee of Hopkins Township to discuss issues.
Discussed the quotes and grant with Christy Forney, emergency manager. The commission expressed interest in being included in Nodaway County’s letter of intent.
Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, discussed equipment with the commission.
Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, reported that all area towns/cities in Nodaway County that she had worked with did get their paperwork for funding through American Rescue Plan funds done before the deadline.
Jennifer Jarvis, area engineer with MoDOT gave updates on upcoming road projects, BRO funding updates, bridge bundling discussion, Coalition for Roadway Safety funds and other updates.
The commission inspected and approved Reconstruction Road #1007 in Washington Township. The proceed order was sent to the quarry.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Philip Auffert, trustee of Independence Township, called in to discuss the CART rock roads in the township. A call was put in to Jacoby Zimmerman, Zimmerman Hauling, talked with the commission about Independence Township’s CART Rock.
Ed Walker and Burns inspected Road #254 in Union Township.
A resident called in regarding a tube issue in Washington Township. The commission will look into the issue next week.
Walk made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 9/7/2021.
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