The City of Pickering may receive money from a class action lawsuit filed in St. Louis against TracFone Wireless, Inc. to collect business license fees.
The council agreed to pay the attorneys involved five percent of any money received.
White Cloud engineering did not receive payment in October, so the November payment will be twice the normal amount of $350.
A representative from Pickering Christian Church contacted City Clerk Milt Sovereign to say the church will no longer use the parsonage. The property’s sewer pump has been pulled and put into reserve.
Mid-America Road Builders, Platte City, submitted a $14,445 bid to remove tube and clean a ditch causing standing water. The bid also included 1,000 pounds of cold patch which the city uses to patch streets inbetween projects.
Council members determined the bid was too high and asked Mayor Charles Smith to seek other bids.
The council agreed to sell Jubal Smith the city’s old dirt and cold patch mix for $100 as the cold patch deteriorates and must be replaced periodically.
Storm Sirens, Inc., Norman, OK, contacted the city. The company sold the city two sirens in 2010. Sovereign will call the company about screens for the sirens to keep out debris.
The council agreed to pay the city clerk’s bond premium and make the annual payment on one of the sewer loans.
The council will provide Christmas treats for North Nodaway Elementary students in Pickering. This yearly tradition will take place on the last day of school before Christmas break.
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