Graham Street Fair is the site of high school reunions

Ivalou Curran and Kathy Blanton make plans to view the Graham Street Fair “Discover the Treasures” parade on August 26. The women were back to reunite with their high school class at their 50th reunion. Other reunions included the class of 1992 and 1997. For more information and photos, see the printed Nodaway News Leader.

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Stay strong, healthy at NTS

Registrations are underway for Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program for aging adults at Northwest Technical School, 1515 South Munn, Maryville. The program for women and men is from 10 to 11 am, Wednesdays and Fridays, for eight weeks starting Wednesday, September 13, Cost is $45. To register or for more information, call 660.582.8311.

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TCW to gather

Today’s Civic Women will meet at 5:30 pm, Tuesday, September 5, in the Maryville Public Library basement meeting room. Everyone is welcome.

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White mold in soybeans discussed

University of Missouri agronomists have called two meetings, at 9 am, Tuesday, September 5 at the Maitland legion hall and the second will be at 1 pm at the Holt County Extension office, Oregon on the same day to allow soybean producers to learn about the white mold appearing in local fields. Four fields have

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Parnell AL to hold breakfast

The Parnell American Legion Post 528 will hold a fundraiser pancake breakfast from 8 am to noon on Sunday, September 3, at the Legion Hall. Free will donation.

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North Nodaway BOE

The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on August 16 to take care of the following school district business: Superintendent James Simmelink reported on the progress made on summer projects. Several are almost done, including the bathrooms and the HVAC. This project may not be completed until October when

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Car show proceeds benefit animal shelter

Hailee Beemer, Johnna Beemer and James Beemer donate $625 from the Blood, Sweat and Gears car show, sponsored by Beemer’s Muffler Center and Beemer’s Redline Accessories, to Wendy Combs, New Nodaway Humane Society Animal Shelter director. Not pictured: Dakota Beemer, who organized the event. “We want to thank them for choosing our cause to benefit

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Spoofhound volleyball defeats East Buchanan at home

The Maryville High School volleyball team beat East Buchanan in two games, 25-18 and 25-15, on August 22. Maryville senior Abby Loe keeps her eye on the ball as she moves into position for a volley. For more photos and information, see the printed Nodaway News Leader.

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