Jerry and Sharon Hopper visited the Pickering City Council meeting on January 7 with questions about the Volner property they have purchased.
The Hoppers have begun cleanup on the roughly three city lots they purchased. Plans include removal of the house currently standing and building a new one. City Clerk Milt Sovereign explained the sewer system and answered questions on the lots. He plans to remove the sewer pump on the property until the Hoppers are ready to build.
Sovereign gave the aldermen the 2018 financial sheet for all four of the city’s accounts. The sheet showed income and expenses, comparing actual with budgeted amounts. The financials also showed the sewer system is fully funded with the required $11,220 in reserve. A review of the 2018 financial sheets was to give the aldermen an overall picture of the city’s financial health.
In December, the city received property tax payments of $1,662.66 for the general operating fund and $2,115.24 for the street fund.
Alderman Ramona Pennington informed the council she will be unable to be on the ballot as she is on the election board. She, however, can be appointed to the position if no one else runs. The closing date for filing for the two aldermen positions is January 15.
United Fiber is putting in underground cables and junction boxes in Pickering. Sovereign is estimating service will be available in the summer.
Discussion was held on upgrades to the city sign by Highway 148. Pricing will be investigated.
The city will pay the Missouri Department of Natural Resources the annual 80¢ per sewer hookup. Pickering averaged 75 sewer customers with an average monthly charge of $32.06 in 2018.
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