At the November 20 Maryville Parks and Recreation Board meeting, the following rates were approved for increase beginning on January 1, 2024.

Memberships at MCC. Individual monthly, up to $34 from $32; individual quarterly, up to $90 from $87; individual yearly, up to $325 from $300; individual auto draft, that is monthly recurring, up to $28 from $26; household monthly, up to $67 from $62; household quarterly, up to $190 from $175; household yearly, up to $650 from $600; household auto draft, monthly recurring, up to $55 from $51; senior/veteran monthly, up to $32 from $29; senior/veteran quarterly, up to $80 from $77; senior/veteran yearly, up to $260 from $240; senior/veteran, auto draft, monthly recurring, up to $23 from $21.

Rentals at MCC. South meeting room, up to $25 an hour from $20 and max $150 a day up from $125 a day; large meeting room, up to $40 an hour from $30 and max $240 a day up from $200 a day; civic organizations luncheon rentals, up to $20 a meeting from $15.

The rates for court rentals stayed the same, as well as the daily pass and track daily pass. The last MCC fee and rate increase was on January 1, 2018.

The board held discussions over certificates of participation (COPs) with the city for capital improvements. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Stubblefield recommended moving forward with $2 million for seven years. The new FY2023 1/4 cent sales tax generated $527,000. The annual payment for a seven year scenario will be approximately $350,000, which would give MPR some additional revenue. According to staff, improvements are needed across the entire park system. After some discussion, the board approved to proceed and participate with the city of Maryville on COPs for $2 million with a seven year payback.


Recreation Supervisor Kristy McLain and Sports Coordinator Emily Dew. Youth volleyball is getting set to wrap up. They had 16 teams in three age groups, with 122 participants and 16 volunteer coaches. The basketball clinic is continuing with both the men’s and women’s Northwest Missouri State club teams helping. There are currently 49 participants. Registration for the youth basketball league and adult basketball league have opened.

Marketing and Events Elizabeth Lyle. The Facebook page has gained 62 new followers. MPR has also started a MCC Member Spotlight, in order to highlight a team member every month. The Christmas Craft Fair took place on November 11 with 62 vendors.

Parks Maintenance Supervisor Kavin Dew. Equipment is being prepped for the winter season, and all the park restrooms and splashpad have been winterized. A new border was installed around the playground at Beal, and mulch was also put down in playgrounds.

Facility Maintenance Supervisor Steve Griffith. The HVAC units are working properly.

Assistant Director Maggie Rockwood. The MCC is fully staffed and there are currently 85 members utilizing the Optum/United Healthcare membership. MCC admittance is up almost 1,000 people since this time last year.

Director Jeff Stubblefield. He has continued to work on multiple RFPs for MPR, including the replacement of two bridges at Judah Park, parking lot repairs and LED lighting within the MCC. There will be a recommendation for the infields at Donaldson and Beal, as well as a new batting cage at Donaldson coming.

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