Voters, who reside inside the city limits of Maryville, went to the polls February 4 to mark a ballot with one question; whether to build a new water treatment plant which will serve all of Nodaway County.

The City of Maryville owns and operates the current water treatment plant on Maryville’s east side. The city sells to residential and business units in the town plus to the Public Water Supply of Nodaway County #1, which serves the remainder of Nodaway County.

Only 548 votes were placed, 6.4 percent of the 8,559 registered, and the water treatment plant prognosis received the nod from 439 of those cast. The precinct counts were: Polk A/ Polk D, yes, 72, no, 30; Polk B/ Polk C, yes, 202, no, 28; Polk E, yes, 79, no, 28, central poll, yes, 3, no, 0; and absentee, yes, 83, no, 23.

The cost of the one-issue election will be shouldered by the City of Maryville completely. County Clerk Melinda Patton estimated that cost for materials and judges to be nearly $7,500.

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