At the April 3 Hopkins City Council meeting, Nathan Baldwin was appointed to the cemetery board.
Again this year, Marilyn and Carol Oxley will be mowing, trimming and performing other upkeep items for the 15-acre Hopkins Cemetery. They will charge $600 for each mowing.
Discussion was held on delinquent water/sewer accounts with six landowners being named for further action. The council thought that action should start with a letter from the city attorney with the attorney costs added to the amount owed. It was decided to wait to take action until after the April 4 election and the board reorganization.
Other discussion items included information Roger Florea, alderman, had learned about Community Development Block Grants for the demolition of dilapidated residential and commercial buildings.
There is $60,000 in the 2017 street project fund and the aldermen discussed which streets to repair. Florea asked for an estimate of the cost to grind and repair the street in front of the high school. He said that to do the project correctly will probably take more than the entire budgeted amount. Instead, the council may look at budgeting for the 2018 fiscal year.
The council discussed changing city attorneys, but no action was taken until after the board reorganization.
The two certificate of deposits which are coming due at Nodaway Valley Bank were voted to be rolled over for another 12-month period.
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