At the July 16 Nodaway County Health Center Board of Trustees meeting, the food permit fees were reviewed and once again waived for the 2024-25 permit year.

The annual tax rate hearing is scheduled for 9:30 am, Tuesday, August 20 with the board meeting to commence at 10 am.

In June, there were 19 COVID cases.

“Insurance billing vendor TransactRX has corrected the major billing issues that would have had us needing to change,” Administrator Tom Patterson said in his report. “I’ll continue to monitor this through the year. Eventually we will probably change platforms with transition to electronic medical records systems.

“Respiratory disease reports are low as is characteristic of summer months,” he said. “Animal bite reporting has slowed since earlier in the summer. School immunizations will increase as we near the beginning of school.”

The generator project and meeting room media projects are pending.

“The staff and I are participating in events and activities through the summer and providing seasonal public health information,” Patterson reported. “We participated in the Nodaway County Fair… with Safety Alley… It started slow but picked up and I believe we distributed 45 bicycle helmets to children ranging from toddlers to teenagers.

Several other agencies participated as well, including Maryville Fire with a truck, Maryville Public Safety Officers, Nodaway Sheriff’s canine officer, Nodaway County Ambulance with ambulance, a Drug Task Force trailer and Missouri Highway Patrol with seat-belt convincer. Dawn did an outstanding job reaching out to partners and the fair board to make arrangements for Safety Alley.”