The Nodaway County Health Center Board of Trustees met on December 19 to amend the 2019 budget and to approve the 2020 budget.

The health center will spend more this year than it takes in. Administrator Tom Patterson credited the deficit on the partial improvement to the concrete parking lot and the payment of the total LAGERS unfunded liability for the center’s employees’ retirement fund.

Discussion was held on gift cards as Christmas gifts for the employees. With gift cards being counted as taxable income, the discussion went to pay raises for the 2020 year.

The board approved the 2020 budget with a two percent pay raise for the staff. The projected income is $466,442 with projected expenses of $468,169. The expenses include the two percent pay increase and $15,000 toward the front parking lot restoration.

Patterson said five applications had been received for the vacant EPHS position. He is checking references.

The materials for the new railing by the front entrance have been ordered and are expected in the next two weeks.