Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and also present: Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 3/12/24. The motion passed.
Accounts payable: Checks #83960-83984
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Gray Oil for fuel; to M. Henggeler for uniform reimbursement.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: legal documents from attorney, Polk Township Financial Statement and 2024 Budget.
Put a call in to Mark Wilson, Polk Township road supervisor, to set up a time to look at a few roads within the township. Returned a call to a landowner regarding county building permits.
Spoke with Adam Teale, Midland Surveying, regarding Road #442 in Jackson Township.
Spoke with an individual inquiring about the bidding process for hauling CART rock. Sent Tim Lance, White Cloud trustee, information about the number of miles of CART roads in White Cloud Township.
A county employee stopped in to discuss an insurance issue. A call was put in to Mosaic Life Care and Brian Rose with Arthur J. Gallagher Benefits for assistance.
The commission made calls to fill expired terms to open board seats. Jeannette Schieber and Chris Degase both agreed to complete two-year terms and Jill Blackford, Roberta Kimball and Larry Redford agreed to three-year terms all on the Senate Bill 40 Board. For the Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) Board, Ray Meyer agreed to another three-year term. Erin Dinsdale declined to renew her seat. A call was put in to Josh McKim, director at Nodaway County Economic Development, to discuss possible candidates for this seat.
Russ Placzek, Oden Enterprise, stopped in to discuss bridge projects with the Commission and Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor.
A resident stopped in to discuss Road #222 in Independence Township.
A call was put in to Ivan Schraeder, legal counsel.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Met with Wilson to look at several roads within Polk Township that the commission has had calls on.
Returned a call to Hugh Bealka, Terra Consulting Group, regarding questions for county zoning and permitting on a cell tower.
Walk made a motion to adjourn until 3/19/2024.
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