Darren and Angee Clements donated $1,123 to the New Nodaway Humane Society Animal Shelter. The amount was for the birthdate, November 23, of their late son, Bradie, and the money was donated by friends and family as well as the Clements.
Accepting the money were Animal Shelter Director Wendy Combs, Assistant Manager Kayce Fish and Board President Crystal Ward. The money will be used to buy a sign and bench to dedicate the animal shelter’s walking path, running trail to Bradie and his Walker coonhound, Jake. The rest of the money will be used for general shelter upkeep.
Bradie’s father, Darren, and his younger brother, Benjamin, had taken over the training of Jake to get the dog to be a dual grand champion. The dog was put to sleep at 13 years of age, this year on Bradie’s birthday.
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